Not loosing but gaining weight ;-(

Hi all, I've been following my fitness pal for ages now, last year I lost 14lb quite easy but gradually crept back on, I attend the gym 3x weekly and have also started spinning and box fit 2xa week for the past two weeks, I'm getting really down about not seeing any weight loss and hardly any inch loss, I've stopped the gym at one point but continued with my fitness pal to see if that would make a difference-and also shocked my body in stuffing it with anything I could eat for a few days, but nothing is shifting!!!! WHY? please anyone!!! Help me :-(


  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member

    Log everything that you eat, drink and cook with. Use a food scale.
  • meomai2
    meomai2 Posts: 21 Member
    I log everything I eat but doesn't seem to help
  • kpeterson539
    kpeterson539 Posts: 220 Member
    meomai2 wrote: »
    I log everything I eat but doesn't seem to help

    Are you using a digital scale to weigh your food?
  • meomai2
    meomai2 Posts: 21 Member
    Yeah each portion I weigh, just not working for some reason
  • leopardessa
    leopardessa Posts: 17 Member
    I would just keep exercising and inputting your food on here for another couple of weeks and see what happens. If you see the scale stop going up and you are certain it is fully functioning, go to your doctor as the weight gain in spite of all your efforts can be a symptom of something like low thyroid function.
  • meomai2
    meomai2 Posts: 21 Member
    The Monday all I ate was homemade lentil soup I tried to keep my food very low that day, thanks for all the input and advice, I'll put it down to my age :|:|
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    meomai2 wrote: »
    Hi all, I've been following my fitness pal for ages now, last year I lost 14lb quite easy but gradually crept back on, I attend the gym 3x weekly and have also started spinning and box fit 2xa week for the past two weeks, I'm getting really down about not seeing any weight loss and hardly any inch loss, I've stopped the gym at one point but continued with my fitness pal to see if that would make a difference-and also shocked my body in stuffing it with anything I could eat for a few days, but nothing is shifting!!!! WHY? please anyone!!! Help me :-(

    Well if you stopped exercise, but continued eating the same amount, maintenance or weight gain is to be expected. One day of eating only lentil soup is not going to help you in the long or short term. Either get back to going to the gym or cut the amount of calories you are eating. Your problem has nothing to do with age.
  • theledger5
    theledger5 Posts: 63 Member
    You haven't said how much of a calorie deficit you are creating? You need to log every morsel consistently for 2 weeks - creating 500 cals a day deficit then come back and report.
  • charleycartee
    charleycartee Posts: 49 Member
    looking at your diary, it looks like you're putting in default values for several items. That makes it seem likely that you're not weighing everything.

  • meomai2
    meomai2 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you all :)
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,842 Member
    You can do it <3
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    meomai2 wrote: »
    The Monday all I ate was homemade lentil soup I tried to keep my food very low that day, thanks for all the input and advice, I'll put it down to my age :|:|

    How old are you? Please dont say you're a decrepit 30 something year old :lol:
  • meomai2
    meomai2 Posts: 21 Member
    49, I've took everyone's advice on here I mixed it together, I'll track every bit I eat and drink and see if I have any results, my daily calorie intake is 1200 and I don't enter my work outs so I'm obviously burning off a hell of a lot more than I'm taking in