What is your body's PH level?

I am always looking for new information that might benefit me health and fitness wise. I have recently been reading that our PH level is important when it comes to food intake and has a direct effect on our energy levels. I was not aware the acid/alkaline composition of our blood was crucial to the way our cells behave and how it affects all the organs in the body. Anyway...my understanding is the PH scale goes from 0-14....(a brief chemistry lesson here!!!) and a blood PH of 7 is considered neutral....1 being very Acid and 14 being very Alkaline. For good health we should aim to ensure our diet consists of only 30% acidic foods and 70% alkaline...or we become predisposed to all kind of imbalances in the body including clotting and tumours. I have found many very comprehensive lists of all the foods that are listed in each category which makes for very interesting reading and has completely shifted my attitude to what I am currently eating. I was actually consuming more acidic foods than I needed to be.Obviously iIt would take forever to list everything here but if you are interested I suggest you google PH blood level or Acid/Alkaline foods.
Just thought I'd share, because this might be something that is affecting your own ability to lose weight that you had not even considered.
If there are any food/nutrition experts out there who have any further information on this subject..positive or otherwise...I would be interested to read it.


  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    I didn't know the Science behind it but I had a friend who was always giving my bottles of alkaline to drop into my water. Thanks for the info!
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    Our body's PH is supposed to be 7.4 which is slightly on the alkaline side which is another reason why we should be consuming more Alkaline foods. I read on a Raw Food diet website that when we start to eat more Alkaline foods our body will start to to break down our lipids aka Fat (Fatty-acids) to maintain the balance within the body.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    The pH in which part of your body?

    The idea that to keep the pH slightly on the alkaline side, you need to eat more alkaline foods, and that tumours are caused by an inbalance is bizarre. I'd need to see results of peer reviewed double blind experiments before I'd even start thinking that idea might have some credence.

    Your stomach contains hydrochloric acid, which is released on eating food - the pH there is around 1-2.

    You could easily find just as many sources telling you that you should be taking cider vinegar daily. Which is acid. Though less acid than your stomach...
  • mommiedanes
    I have added a green drink to my daily consumption which is KAMUT "wheatgrass70% alfalfa 30%" by pure planet. It has truly helped me to lose weight w/o having to work so hard in the gym. I've listen to Anthony Robbin's Pure Energy audio recording and heard about this acid/alkaline info. Love the concept behind it and will always practice consuming more alkaline forming foods into my daily diet.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Having studied biochemistry at degree level, I let my body regulate it's own pH level, just as it was designed to and it does it fine without having the line the pockets of snake oil marketers.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    How do you find out your ph level? I go to the doctors a lot due to curiosity, paranoia, and slight hypochondria, but I don't think I have ever had my ph tested :D
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    How do you find out your ph level? I go to the doctors a lot due to curiosity, paranoia, and slight hypochondria, but I don't think I have ever had my ph tested :D
    You dont, you let your liver and the rest of your internal biochemistry take care of it's own regulation. Don't line the pockets of snake oil merchants!