Alli xenical ortistat - any experience?



  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    As a recovering anorexic, I am wondering if you have consulted a nutritionist or if you are in a support group or are you trying to do this on your own? The reason that I ask is that is having nutritional support along with a support group can be very helpful to your recovery.

    The weight gain is a result of a biochemical imbalance and is not your fault. There is nothing for you to feel guilty about. It is imperative though, in my opinion, that you enlist the help of some professionals to be part of your recovery team.

    Taking drugs that interfere with how you process food is not helpful and doesn't address the root causes of the disorder. Most of your serotonin is manufactured in your gut. (That is why you have a SSRI - to help with your serotonin). Inflammation, lack of healthy bacteria, parasites, allergies, etc. can all influence how you feel and relate to food depending on your genetics.

    Sometimes people never get to the root cause, but people do find ways to "power through" and strike a delicate balance and learn to live a fairly normal life.

    When we went through this with my daughter, (it turned out she has the bio-markers for celiac) she liked having a nutritionist helping her to develop her eating plan, and she was given "upper" and "lower" limits in terms of calories that helped her to maintain a healthy weight with foods that actually nourished her body. Her nutritionist also gave her a way to track / control, and record how she was feeling about each meal. (we didn't know about MFP).

    Also, she also had group therapy with other girls her age and the therapy was focused on meal planning / prep and dealing with feelings of anxiety around healthy eating, maintaining a healthy weight despite what they saw in the mirror, etc.

    I want to emphasize that this is a life long challenge and that while we can cheer for you we aren't professionals (speaking for myself) and this is really something that needs a nutritionist to help you with.
  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    A group of girls in my office started taking it together until they started getting the runs and one literally pooped her pants. That's all I know about Alli.
  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    Swapping one eating disorder (anorexia) for another (pills) doesn't sound like the best plan to me. Have a talk with your treatment team.

    Referring to taking pills as a disorder is a bit much.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    ccruz985 wrote: »
    Swapping one eating disorder (anorexia) for another (pills) doesn't sound like the best plan to me. Have a talk with your treatment team.

    Referring to taking pills as a disorder is a bit much.

    In this case it is part of her eating disorder though. Wanting fast weight loss no matter what the consequences are when she isn't even in the target group for those pills.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    getfitpixi wrote: »
    Hey thanks guys
    Just to let you know I'm just trying the alli for a month to shift this weight as it doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
    I have reduced my diet but used to have phobias of eating fat but using alli I feel like I can do a small degree.
    I'm just trying to ensure a swift, but non-starvation style weight loss. It's really crucial to my self esteem.
    If any other supplements or ideas could be suggested I'd appreciate that.
    I also had to use the sleep medication melatonin for bounds of insomnia. I'm almost certain this resulted in weight gain.
    I honestly feel that medication has been a big contributor and so I'm abit clueless about how to get it off as it's unexpected gain :(

    My mother has taken melatonin for decades and she is under weight.

    I take melatonin as well. Sleep deprivation can lead me to overeat but a good night's sleep does not.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    getfitpixi wrote: »
    Hey thanks guys
    Just to let you know I'm just trying the alli for a month to shift this weight as it doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
    I have reduced my diet but used to have phobias of eating fat but using alli I feel like I can do a small degree.
    I'm just trying to ensure a swift, but non-starvation style weight loss. It's really crucial to my self esteem.
    If any other supplements or ideas could be suggested I'd appreciate that.
    I also had to use the sleep medication melatonin for bounds of insomnia. I'm almost certain this resulted in weight gain.
    I honestly feel that medication has been a big contributor and so I'm abit clueless about how to get it off as it's unexpected gain :(

    My mother has taken melatonin for decades and she is under weight.

    I take melatonin as well. Sleep deprivation can lead me to overeat but a good night's sleep does not.

    I take melatonin several nights a week and maintain a normal weight. I'm in the same boat you are -- if I don't get enough sleep, I have urges to overeat the next day.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    getfitpixi wrote: » ensure a swift, but non-starvation style weight loss.


  • getfitpixi
    getfitpixi Posts: 34 Member
    Im aware I'm not being PC about this but I felt obliged to tell you the whole truth. I'm not taking xenical so I'm taking alli which is half strength. I honestly don't eat much fat so I have not been having horrible side effects.
    But I do take the liver damage stuff seriously. So I think I won't take the full supply but perhaps use it for when I know I've over done the fat.
  • getfitpixi
    getfitpixi Posts: 34 Member
    To be fair I have visited my doc and admitted a weight gain and a great deal of shame with it.
    He told me he didn't feel I was unhealthy and felt it was a number on the scale or vanity based concern.
    Possibly true.
    He has set up some blood tests for me to check on any underlying issues that could have caused the gain.
    I know I've been getting sore thighs and back ache from carrying this extra weight.
    I've had an extremely stressful year and this has contributed.
    I feel I can continue with my melatonin though which is nice.
    I am pretty sure I have BDD and I know I need to address it.
    What do you guys think of alli for a few weeks and then only used for fatty meals?
    I have decided to stick to a strict exercise regime to burn around 800 a day. Simply skipping and yoga.
  • getfitpixi
    getfitpixi Posts: 34 Member
    What kind of health conditions or issues can cause rapid weight gain?
    I've been dieting since I gained it and am unable to shift the weight. It's stubborn! :neutral:
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I promise, you won't be using this drug on a regular basis when you have eaten a fatty meal. ONE episode is all it will take.

    What this drug does it make you fearful of eating fat. So you basically pay money to take a drug which has zero effect......because you aren't eating fat in the first place.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited July 2017
    TeaBea wrote: »
    I promise, you won't be using this drug on a regular basis when you have eaten a fatty meal. ONE episode is all it will take.

    What this drug does it make you fearful of eating fat. So you basically pay money to take a drug which has zero effect......because you aren't eating fat in the first place.


    Alli/Xenical/Orlistat doesn't make you lose weight. It just makes you mess yourself if you eat too much fat. The fat reduction is supposed to result in a calorie reduction. That's all. And it's not even guaranteed if you're replacing the fat with other things. I'd find another way to reduce calories that doesn't involve greasy volcanic bm's.

    And since you already have an ED issue, you shouldn't do it on your own.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    getfitpixi wrote: »
    I feel like everyone just makes immature jokes about the medication
    But what would be helpful is knowing how to fully utilise its benefits :)
    Anal leakage and peoples first-hand experiences with this medication are no joke. Why do you think people are joking? It's serious.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    To lose weight successfully:

    Log and weigh all the food you eat, log all beverages. Log and weigh everything that you cook with. Log meats/grains/pastas raw. Stick to your calorie goal, not under, not over. Be honest. No need for pills/supplements.

    Do this for at least a month.

    If you're expecting to lose more than 1-2lbs per week, change your expectation.