Heavier ladies please help me...

Today, I went to see my GP to have my first ever smear test done...

I was very nervous to the point of feeling queasy.

She inserted the speculum, but couldn't get it to open. She said I needed to relax so I took a couple of deep breaths and she tried again, she still couldn't get it open.

Have any of you ever had any issues getting your smear test? Is it because of how heavy I am? or is it because I was so nervous about it?

I've had swabs taken before and they were able to use a speculum then, so right now I'm feeling very humilated, and very stressed.


  • curiousmissclay
    I weigh 260lbs and iv had a smear test with no problems you just need to relax it will be fine and essential to your health.

  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    i truly think its nerves...... it is such an awkward procedure to have... I have it twice a year with my doc. Just need to relax, deep breaths and almost force yourself to zone out.... did you have to re-schedule?
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    Oh honey, don't be embarrassed! It IS because of how nervous you were about it. It doesn't matter how big or small you are, if you are nervous, your muscles will be tense and it will make it nearly impossible for anything to move any muscle in your body.
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    I just cant help but think at 330lb that its my fault. I feel rotten
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I would think it is nerves as well. It is such an awkward thing to have done. I just tell myself my dr. has seem all kind of people. I'm so sorry you feel so terrible about this and I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better. I hope it helps that you have chosen such a suppotive site and you have made the choice to be a healthier person. Best wish too you.
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    REEEEEEEEELAX! Its not your weight, its your nerves tensing you up down there!! Just try and breathe through it. :)
  • alisha17m
    alisha17m Posts: 73 Member
    I agree with everyone else - it's most likely nerves. It took me ages to build up the courage to get one done but i'd rather know early if something wasn't right. Besides, I figure a doctor would see lady bits like I see money (I work in a bank), one's not going to be more spectacular or vulgar than another - they're all lady bits in the end!
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    My opinion is nerves, as well. Let's face it, it isn't a pleasant thing and could you be in a more a vulnerable postion? I think everyone gets unnerved and are more than happy to be done with it! I hope this helps, we're here for you! :flowerforyou:
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Definately nerves. I know it's hard to say relax when you've got your legs spread open and someone is sticking a metal object down there, but really you need to find something to help you relax, timestables or something, just to keep focused on somethign else for the 2 seconds it takes. It literally takes 2 seconds and there's no pain normally. I imagine it wasn't quite as painless for you all tensed up like that.
  • charitypebbles
    charitypebbles Posts: 5 Member
    It was nerves hun, Im 415 pounds and I have one done every year with no problems at all. Just relax.
  • TheYoungRetiree
    TheYoungRetiree Posts: 84 Member
    First, it is the most awkward event ever no matter what size, I'm sure- to be lying there naked and exposed as some stranger looks at your girly bits. It's cold, clinical, and scary! I know at my OB/GYN he has these funny posters on the ceiling to try to relax ladies a little- it works a little better than at my old doctor's.

    Just take deep breaths next time and try your hardest to relax. That's the best any of us can do when we go there :/ You are making steps to work on your health, don't let this discourage you or get you down!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    You need to sit your butt about 1/8 of the way up the table and roll your torso down, so you're about to fall off the table. So your butt isn't in the way (speaking from experience, my butt is HUGE!).... Yeah, partially it's nerves, but your ob/gyn has seen all sizes and should know how to accommodate all sizes without making you feel worse. Sorry you had to go through that. :(
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    I believe it was just your nerves. Honestly, if it was more your GP would have indicated it. Try to relax, and btw.. because you are 330lbs does not mean you are unworthy and at fault for everything. Take a deep breath and love yourself as you are right now. You can do this.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Honey, I weigh 336 and I'm fine with them, it's no big deal. Next time just try to relax your whole body while you're lying on the table. Start with your feet, relax them and feel them pushing down into the ground, then move to your ankles, calves, knees, thighs, all the way up to your head. It's a great relaxation technique....will help to calm your nerves. :) Love ya!
  • TiffyCooper
    Hey girl. Don't even THINK that it is because of your weight at all. I had my first smear when I was 22, and at that time I weighed 210 lbs. At that time it took my doc 10 minutes to relax because it hurt like non other. I was still a virgin at that time too, so my poor doc had to work with me through the tears of pain. My second time and 3rd times in were exactly the same with me tensing up so bad that my doc took me through lamaze type breathing exercises to get me to relax. Don't feel embarrassed in any way.
  • BlueAventer
    BlueAventer Posts: 129
    I must be weird then because getting that done has never bothered me. The only thing that freaks me out is that I'm terrified I'm going to pee on the doc. :ohwell:
  • Sgriffin2382
    Sgriffin2382 Posts: 360 Member
    Totally your nerves. I try to relax my mind and go to a happy place :-) The clicking sound is what always gets me.