Getting started right

Ok so it's 4 days now till I start this properly so what have I been doing with myself. I'm currently sitting down with a pen and paper taking notes of the right thighs to eat at the right time and workouts that will suit me best for what I'm looking for I'm not looking to be a bodybuilder but I am looking to get lean and have pace and power for the sport I play now I have to eat 2300 calories but I don't no what my macros should be at (carbs.fats.protein). Now I understand that this will take time and it's not gonna happen over night but if I have the building blocks in the right place it can only help.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Are you aiming to lose weight? If so, calories are king for pure weight loss. However, eating sufficient protein and doing resistance exercise will help you to lose as little muscle as possible.

    There are a ton of opinions on how much protein is sufficient. In general, aiming at .8 grams per pound of bodyweight is a good enough baseline goal. Then half of that number is a good goal for fat. After that, the rest of your calories can come from carbs or more fat or more protein. Once you get going, you'll work out your preference as far as that goes.
  • SuperTone2017
    SuperTone2017 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm looking to lose weight and tone up (lean) not build muscle but keep the muscle I have if that makes sense
    So iv changed my macros to 40 protein 35 carbs and 25 fats at 2300 calories to eat so I think I'm going in the right Direction with that I'll see how I get on after 2/3 weeks hoping it won't need changed lol
    Thanks for the info jemhh