Need friends

Hi I'm 46 mum of three this year has been so hard lost my older sister in Jan in an accident my mum died in may as a result of copd its a lung condition plus my husband has pulmonary fibrosis in the middle of all this I'm trying to loose weight so could really do with some help male or female I don't mind to get me through the bad days thanks


  • betterjude
    betterjude Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, yr having a rough time if it, I can sympathise. I'm 63 faced my 6/7 cancer two years ago, at same time as I was on chemo my dad passed away, and I was carer for him and for my mum, Alzheimer's, thankfully I'm in remission, mum is now in a home, aunt, (who I became carer for last year, passed away in May so now I have time and motivation to fight to get back to a healthy weight. Xx
  • EsratJahanShama
    EsratJahanShama Posts: 4 Member
    Hi , I'm 19 bt i understand how bad situation you have to gonne through . However despite everything you are taking care of yourself that's the good thing . To loose weight i think you have to maintain a good deit routine which contain food that has less fat and at the same time i think you should also do some exercise which will help you to keep fit :smile:
  • Msfugly
    Msfugly Posts: 25 Member
    Hi I'm 46 mum of three this year has been so hard lost my older sister in Jan in an accident my mum died in may as a result of copd its a lung condition plus my husband has pulmonary fibrosis in the middle of all this I'm trying to loose weight so could really do with some help male or female I don't mind to get me through the bad days thanks

    Add me mama, I have no experiences similar to yours so I really have no clue what your going through ... so I may not be any help there but I'm fat and like to talk so add me if you like x