Lap Banders???

Anyone with a Lap Band wanna do some sort of a challenge? I feel bad joining other challenges because I do have this tool, and my average weight loss is a little higher than most... But if there is anyone out there that is interested with a band I think it would be fair and fun...


  • kim457
    kim457 Posts: 15
    Its a tool yes, but till you really have it filled you are doing it on your own. I had the lapband done on March 21st of this year.
  • pinknsassyemt
    pinknsassyemt Posts: 68 Member
    Awesome, I was prefilled during surgery with 4cc's of fluid and have not had any subsequent fills. I have a little restriction but not a ton.
  • Waynes_World
    Waynes_World Posts: 333
    I am always up for a good challenge !

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.. I always like new ideas and helpful advice from fellow lap banders ! I will do my best to return the same help ;}
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Its a tool yes, but till you really have it filled you are doing it on your own. I had the lapband done on March 21st of this year.

    Finally! Someone else realizes this. I have one it's not filled and I hate it every day. Seriously, if I had the money to get the sucker cut out I would. I've had mine for six years and only lost and kept off 30lbs with it. Everything else I've lost on my own.
  • Waynes_World
    Waynes_World Posts: 333
    Awesome, I was prefilled during surgery with 4cc's of fluid and have not had any subsequent fills. I have a little restriction but not a ton.

    I have 3.5 cc in my band after 8 months
  • kim457
    kim457 Posts: 15
    I had two fills since March, but only a total of 2ml so far, it takes alot of dedication and exercise still to lose it. For me at least
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    4cc in mine, got some good restriction but would like a little more. Most of the work is my own.

    eta - in fact *kitten* it, all of the work is my own with my band's assistance but I've done it.
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    I must say that my Aunt has lap band and has lost a TREMENDOUS amount of weight...She looks great!! I do agree that you have to work at it yourself. But hey, NOTHING COMES EASY!
  • kim457
    kim457 Posts: 15
    Wish Id had a prefill but my surgeon doesn't believe in that :-( You have to struggle with eating before he will fill it and then its just a little at a time, but thats ok, its given me the boost to get off my butt and make this a new lifestyle and challenge.
  • Waynes_World
    Waynes_World Posts: 333
    4cc in mine, got some good restriction but would like a little more. Most of the work is my own.

    eta - in fact *kitten* it, all of the work is my own with my band's assistance but I've done it.

    Yes this is so true !!! You rock ;}
  • pinknsassyemt
    pinknsassyemt Posts: 68 Member
    The reason I picked the band was because I wanted to be more responisble for my weight loss. I wanted the lifestyle changes, and accountablity. I have to admit without MFP, this would suck!!!! Unfortunatly for me I have had some post op complications that have prevented me from doing much exercise... :-( but I am on the road to perfection and I didn't expect to get there without some bumps. Hope you all have a great day, and I will be working on developing a challenge if anyone is interested.
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    Its a tool yes, but till you really have it filled you are doing it on your own. I had the lapband done on March 21st of this year.

    having the band empty but still on is still using it. I was banded on September 1, 2010 and have only had one fill. The Band itself creates a funneling effect by just being there and not being filled.

    BUT even if it is on and filled all the way... we are still doing it ourselves. We are choosing to eat healthy and exercise. You do not know how many people I know have been banded and still eat like crap and sit on the couch! They have lost little to no weight!
  • jeannette120
    jeannette120 Posts: 65 Member
    I'd definitely be up for a challenge. I could use one to help motivate me to exercise a bit more. I've been slacking the last week for sure!

    I've had my band since May fills. I have no restriction, but I am lucky in that I am not hungry in between meals. I agree, you have to work very hard at losing weight even with the band. Its all about eating right, portion control and exercise. Anyone who thinks it's "easy" and that the band does everything is seriously misinformed!

    Have a great day!
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    I was banded 3 years ago. No regrets. But I'd love to join a challenge to motivate me to get to my goal weight!!!
  • Well I don't own a scale, so getting weighed for me is out the question. Only weighed at the Dr.'s Office.

    So with that out the way, what did you have in mind, what's the rules?
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    I was going to ask the same question...what's the challenge?

    I had 4 ccs in mine at surgery (1/18/11), then it was brought up to 5, then 5.5, then 6, and now I'm at 6.25 with anticipating another fill next month. The loss had been slow until the time between the last two fills, but I've become more aggressive with exercising and tracking caloric intake (thanks to this site) since the last fill.
  • melissaNY
    melissaNY Posts: 6
    i was filled at suegery also, im up to 6cc now, im up for a contest !!! =)
  • pinknsassyemt
    pinknsassyemt Posts: 68 Member
    Does everyone have a protein, calorie goal??? I was thinking of doing a point challenge.. something kinda basic. Like:

    You meet protein goal = 1 point
    You stay under calories= 1 point
    You exercise for 30 minutes= 1 point, plus 1 point for every additional 30 minutes

    Something of that nature. Any ideas from you guys.. what would motivate you???
  • pinkassyment: That point system sounds like it would work for me. So I'm up for it.

    If you get anyone else interested,,,, let me know !