3 goals

Avocado_Angel Posts: 2,362 Member
I love setting goals & achieving them especially now I feel i have the confidence & know how to get it done. I feel iv achieved a few of my major life goals, which frees me up to set some fun ones. I'm quite health conscious at the minute so my goals reflect that. Here's hoping I can achieve them !

1- quit using my ecig. I use that thing way too much
2- start going out on my bike again in the evening instead of lounging on the sofa
3- stick to my diet & reduce my stomach size, it's way outa control lol

What are your 3 goals ??


  • Candy0516
    Candy0516 Posts: 399 Member
    1. Relax
    2. Stick to my diet
    3. Excercise more
  • brockhampton
    brockhampton Posts: 211 Member
    1. Be humble
    2. Be humble
    3. Be humble

    you forgot sit down
  • betterjude
    betterjude Posts: 8 Member
    1. Plan my meals and stick with the plan,
    2. Plan meals and buy only that which is needed to stick to plan.
    3. Get up when I wake up and get out walking
  • beepbopbeepbop
    beepbopbeepbop Posts: 12 Member
    To set a realistic weight goal and achieve it without quitting before I do.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    edited July 2017
    #1) to make my own food instead of buying prepped food, even tho cooking makes me lose my appetite
    #2) go to bed earlier on work nights, even if I can't sleep, just to try to
    #3) to find another form of exercise that I enjoy besides running, to become more balanced physically or something
  • FemmeFireRL
    FemmeFireRL Posts: 227 Member
    1. Stick to my new eating plan - plant-based diet
    2. Learn to run
    3. Meditate to reduce work-related stress (negativity has been winning out lately)
  • sw33tp3a1
    sw33tp3a1 Posts: 5,065 Member
    1. To keep on cultivating my own accomplishments.
    2. I'm socially awkward so I want to work on my social skills. I don't wanna be that shy girl in the corner anymore.
    3. To reach a level of happiness that is reflected through my eyes and my smile
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    1. Qualify and run Boston.
    2. Complete IronMan 70.3 in 2018
    3. Stay Healthy & Fit.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    goals ?
