Anyone else with 70lbs to lose? Newbie looking for solidarity and accountability.

Hey. I'm 37 and female, 178cm tall with around 32kg/70lbs to lose. I'm starting at 100kg/220lbs and shooting for 68kg/150lbs.

I've lost and gained the same 20 or so pounds many, many times over the past couple of years and the yoyoing has got to STOP! I'm determined to crack it this time and keep the downward momentum until I reach my goal weight.

A new gym is opening up in my town in a couple of weeks, and I'm planning to incorporate exercise, including strength training, into my regimen. I've never been very consistent with exercise and have tended to rely on cardio in the past and become frustrated with the pace of results. This time around I intend to try power lifting, perhaps with the help of a trainer if I can afford to hire one.

Anyway, it would be great to find some accountability buddies on here with similar goals!


  • nerdyprincess92
    nerdyprincess92 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello! :)

    I thought I'd drop a comment as I'm in a similar long term goal situation. I'm looking to lose A LOT of weight, 70lb as a minimum.
    I know it's going to take a huge effort which is why I'm here, to retrain myself into recording what I eat and maybe having someone to talk things through with.

    For comparison I'm 25, 5'5 and starting off at 15st 2lb (212lb? I think)

  • elle77belle
    elle77belle Posts: 10 Member
    I have 60 more to go. :) 39 5 7.5
    209lbs right now! Be nice to have friends to stay on track with!
  • ldizquierdo
    ldizquierdo Posts: 13 Member
    Hey elle77belle and nerdyprincess welcome and would love to support you guys. I am at 190, lost 10 pounds during the last 6 weeks. It has not been easy, keep watching your intake. Try to have protein on every meal that will keep you full.
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Go fitness journey! Put me chasing you. I am hoping for 50 lbs off but the truth is 70 lbs need to go. Not much for exercise--I am just plain lazy and hate sweat. I am taking son to Y and doing some pool exercising while he plays. This is day 4 and I go to doctor on August 2. Will see what her scale says. My home scale makes me mad (it goes up) and the scale at the Y obviously lies (about 6 lbs lower).
  • Nesssa11
    Nesssa11 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm currently enrolled at a Gym. I'm 5'4. I weight 220.00 my goal is lose 75 lbs. I have been struggle these past years with 15 to 20 lbs fluctuating. I need to pass this plateau. Its been tuff. As quick as I gained the lbs I wish it would just as quick melt off! But reality tells me I will have to put effort and time for myself and work towards it. Im new to this site which I thought I can give it a try and like they say 2 is better than 1. I could use some support. I will do my part and keep in touch.
  • xxCDelgadoxx
    xxCDelgadoxx Posts: 3 Member
    I just recently had my last child, and I at my last weigh in at the hospital I was 170 (after delivery) a month ago. I am 5' 0" and 26 years old. My goal is to lose 50-60 lbs.
  • emcclure013
    emcclure013 Posts: 231 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 5'10 and started off at 265lbs. I've had a lot of success in the past, went down over 40lbs for my wedding and then gained it all back over the next few years. This time I'm losing it and keeping it off! Down about 10lbs so far but I still have a ways to go. My goal right now is to be under 200lbs... I can't remember the last time I saw my weight beginning with a 1! Would love some friends to keep me motivated. :)
  • Nykkismommy21
    Nykkismommy21 Posts: 224 Member
    Hi, im 38 yrs old female , almost 5'5 , and I havent weighed myself in a minute but guessing about 180 somethings, I put 187, and im trying to go for a 50 lb loss. I have started counting calories and staying accountable, and right now I am only walking for exercise, with about 10 minutes of exercise videos here and there. I have a messed up lower back from being hit by a car and dont want to make it worse. Anyway.....its great to meet everyone!
  • fitness_journey80
    fitness_journey80 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for responding guys! I've added a bunch of people as friends (please add me if I didn't send you or accept a request from you already!) and look forward to sharing our progress over the coming months. I'm keeping quiet about my efforts to lose weight with friends and family, as I find it an uncomfortable topic of conversation and don't really like the attention. But I think it will be really valuable to have a community here where I can share my victories, setbacks and frustrations in order to retain a sense of proportion and not lose motivation.
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    I'm on day 9, trainer introduced me to this app, still not sure what I'm doing with it

    I've got 2 x your lbs to lose sadly
  • sakram373
    sakram373 Posts: 11 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi everyone my names Sam.
    I'm 38, 5ft5 and have around 30kg to lose....I'm serious about getting my health on track and losing this weight.

    Add me if you want a supportive motivational friend

    Ps: could someone tell me how I send people friends requests (apologies, complete newbie)
  • blancaran
    blancaran Posts: 30 Member
    I'm pretty similar in weight. My goal is 50 but my average weight should be 150 as well. I just got back on track a month ago, I am trying to stay on this path. It can be hard, I think eating right is the hardest part for me.
  • Minisumoh
    Minisumoh Posts: 30 Member
    I haven't weighed myself in ages so finally bought myself some new scales yesterday and stepped on them for the first time this morning - the horror! I'm 43, 5'2 and looking to lose 60-70lbs. I've signed up to a couple of challenges but it would also be good to find people with similar goals. Feel free to add me.
  • rtwhuntley
    rtwhuntley Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I've just started too. I'm 5.2 and 141lbs but would ideally like to be able to lose 20lbs but I know this will be really tough. I'm starting to go the gym at least twice a week. My challenge is not to eat in the evenings!
  • msjessielynn
    msjessielynn Posts: 42 Member
    Add me, I like friends that I can cheer for!!

    Good luck on your journeys!

  • millea84
    millea84 Posts: 242 Member
    Hello. I am 33 and looking to lose about 90 pounds, because I am only 5"4. I am about 209 right now and would like to get to 120. You can add me as a friend if you would like. :)
  • jesscox2003
    jesscox2003 Posts: 65 Member
    Nesssa11 wrote: »
    Hi I'm currently enrolled at a Gym. I'm 5'4. I weight 220.00 my goal is lose 75 lbs. I have been struggle these past years with 15 to 20 lbs fluctuating. I need to pass this plateau. Its been tuff. As quick as I gained the lbs I wish it would just as quick melt off! But reality tells me I will have to put effort and time for myself and work towards it. Im new to this site which I thought I can give it a try and like they say 2 is better than 1. I could use some support. I will do my part and keep in touch.

    I'm pretty close to you in the height and weight stats. I'm 5'3" 224 pounds. And I've been bouncing between 199-230. I'm ready for a change too. You can add me if you like.

    In fact anyone can add me. I'm willing to help motivate best I can
  • jesscox2003
    jesscox2003 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm on the same page as you. I'm tired of giving up. I need to lose about 70 pounds, and I'll reevaluate my fitness when I get close to that. I'm 5'3" 224 pounds. And I'm almost 32. M th goal is 150. I know with a great support system we can get to our goals
  • mchiiiaaang
    mchiiiaaang Posts: 4 Member
    I am on the same boat as you! I'm 5'5 and keep fluctuating around 230-240. Definitely want to lose AT LEAST 70. Friends to help keep motivated would be great! Feel free to add me!
  • awolfe75
    awolfe75 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi All
    I'm 42 yrs, 5'8". Started at 228lbs and my goal is 150. Started using this app to track my calories on July 19 and so far have lost 17.4 lbs. would love to connect with others that have 70lbs to lose. Sorry I don't know how to add you as friends so please feel free to add me. Good luck all!!