Protein shakes for obese people?

Hi just started my weight loss journey and have a question about taking protein shakes for weight loss of 100+lbs. would you recommend it? Is protein used for bulking or will it just hit your protein goal for the day? Would we rather use up our calories for food or should we incorporate shakes too? Thanks guys :) xx


  • sheezup2sumtin
    sheezup2sumtin Posts: 5 Member
    same question i would like answered
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    edited July 2017
    It will help you hit your protein goal for the day if that's what you need. It will only make you gain if you drink enough of them that you're over your maintenance calorie intake. Calories in versus calories out (CICO).
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    No reason to add shakes -- they don't do anything special for weight loss.

    However, if you want help meeting your protein goal or enjoy them, nothing wrong with them either. I usually add protein powder if I make a smoothie, since I like having more protein at breakfast than I'd get in a smoothie without it, or sometimes to oats. Some people enjoy them as an alternative to a milkshake that's easier to fit in a day too.
  • misskhan91
    misskhan91 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for that advice I'll definitely take it on board, I just see how everyone is talking about protein shakes on here and I didn't know if it was necessary for me
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited July 2017
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    No reason to add shakes -- they don't do anything special for weight loss.

    However, if you want help meeting your protein goal or enjoy them, nothing wrong with them either. I usually add protein powder if I make a smoothie, since I like having more protein at breakfast than I'd get in a smoothie without it, or sometimes to oats. Some people enjoy them as an alternative to a milkshake that's easier to fit in a day too.

    I do this, too. Sometimes I just feel like a smoothie for breakfast, which usually amounts to protein powder, Greek yogurt, cashew milk, occasionally oatmeal, and some fruit.
    Protein powder is really more like a supplement to help you meet your daily protein goal. It isn't a requirement for weight loss, nor will it hurt your weight loss as long as you're in a calorie deficit.
    Protein in and of itself does not cause you to bulk up; that requires more calories and a weight lifting regimen.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I started out near 250 pounds and never had a protein shake. I got enough from other sources.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited July 2017
    There isn't anything magical about protein shakes. They are super convenient way of hitting our calorie/macro goals for some of us - but they aren't necessary for anybody, and treated like any other food, they won't hurt anybody, either.
  • skyfirex
    skyfirex Posts: 1 Member
    Soylent. Not a protein shake, but full nutrition meal replacement. I use it for 2/3rds of my daily calories. As others have said, weight loss is about Calories In, Calories Out. I use Soylent because it is easy to portion.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Not necessary, but if you like them, they are a good way to meet protein goals, and they can feel almost like a snack (I make mine with crushed ice and milk and it comes out tasting like a pretty good milkshake). And protein tends to be more filling per calorie than either fat or carbohydrate.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    skyfirex wrote: »
    Soylent. Not a protein shake, but full nutrition meal replacement. I use it for 2/3rds of my daily calories. As others have said, weight loss is about Calories In, Calories Out. I use Soylent because it is easy to portion.

    So what about getting micro nutrients from food? And how about adverse effects of phyto-estrogens? Eat mostly real food!! :'(
  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    My advice would be, try it! You never know. But they are quite unnecessary and there are other ways to get nutrition.

    I will say however that protein shakes (especially ones that don't have a lot of added sugar) keep me full if I am not eating a whole meal. But I could also eat an apple and get more or less the same effect, so ultimately I rarely do this.
  • edlanglais5
    edlanglais5 Posts: 172 Member
    Protein shakes are not only for athletes and body builders. They're actually a great tool to help you meet your protein goal. Of course, you can get all your protein from food, but it's difficult for me to achieve that. I use gold standard by optimum nutrition. 2 big reasons: (1) no fillers (2) the calorie to protein ratio is excellent. It's a little pricey but you can save money by buying the larger containers.