Map my walk question

My friend and I walked in her neighborhood tonight. I started my map my walk app and a second later she started hers. By the end of the walk our times matched but everything else was way off. For example it said she had 7k steps and that I had 7.9k steps and that she had walked 3.18 miles and I had walked 4.13 miles. There were other differences. We walked the whole time together the exact same route. Why such a dramatic difference?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Maybe someone's GPS wasn't working as well. When I don't have a good signal when I start it sometimes the start point isn't correct and it throws everything off. Like it will have me starting down the street or my last location. Makes my walk look longer.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,502 Member
    Might also be related to step size, to how much each of you swing your arms, etc. Map my walk is very imprecise anyway, especially when it comes to corners.
  • sophie9492015
    sophie9492015 Posts: 204 Member
    edited July 2017
    Also says it may not work as well if you have your phone on power saving mode
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited July 2017
    I always start map my run/walk on my wifi to ensure it has the right position for when I start. Before I did this I always noticed that the GPS was off for the first few minutes and the map of where we went was all over the place.
    As for the steps. I assume that both of you entered your stats like height and weight into the program. If one of you is taller it most likely will take that into account when calculating the number of steps. If not you both have a different gait. way of walking and put your phones in different place. All these little things may give differences
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    GPS tracking can be very hit and miss and different phones/devices will vary for the same route.

    I did a long walk across the City of London and my speed was suspiciously high. When I reviewed the track apparently I walked through several solid buildings, back-tracked a couple of times, walked in small circles when really I was stopped waiting to cross roads and hit a spectacular walking speed of 21mph very briefly.