Cutting out sweets/'sugars'



  • KeepOnMovjng
    KeepOnMovjng Posts: 44 Member
    For the sweets, there was a shop that used to sell them at a 1/3 of the price. I stopped going there, and used to spend extra on the vending machine juice, that was better than the soda/pop from the shop. I then cut down as favourite was haribo, I went for the 10p size bag that had about10 sweets in rather than the larger bag. The extra journeys would give me time to decide against it.
    Plus at worst my family all got me some for Christmas which was over bearing for the amount I had in total especially with cutting down on the amount. The sight of them constantly in the end just made me just go no I don't want any.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    When I started my journey 3.5 years ago I took out added sugars for 3 months as much as I could. Only the added stuff, not all carbs.

    However I did took them out, not because I think they are bad, or because I need to rid myself of toxins (body doing fine there), but to break a habit of just grabbing it. A habit of being polite to people offering cake and stuff, a habit of walking to the central table where there is always something sweet. In that respect a bit like what you are doing.

    It worked, it changed my habits. I now think before I grab/accept. I now feel it is more polite to say no thank you instead of accepting if it is not to my taste/calorie goal. My taste changed. A lot of sugar added foods taste bitter to me now. I avoid commercial bakes as much as I can as I really do not like them (home bakes often taste better). Added sugars are back into my diet but at a much lower level than before and they are total treats.

    I am now in maintenance at a BMI of 22.5