Friends Please! Diabetes Type II

Hello! I lost 44lbs in 2013 over 9 months using this great app. I then had a number of major surgeries including a hip replacement which left me immobile and really depressed for a long time. I put back on 23lbs. I have daily chronic pain. I'm feeling better but now I've just been diagnosed with Diabetes Type II and I'm gutted. I've overhauled my eating habits as my first reading was very high. I'm still processing the news.

I'm 44, live in the U.K. and am married with a 17 year old son. I love cats, reading, travel and my job. I'm looking for new friends who either do or don't have Diabetes to help and be helped on the journey.

I'll log daily and am watching my carbs and sugar intake as part of a new lifestyle. This is no diet. This is serious stuff! It could save my life.

I'd love to get a friend request from you. :)


  • syl1115
    syl1115 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi papillon71. I'm 56 and your post is my life exactly. I put on all of my weight prior to my hip replacement in 2014. After that, I lost 42 lbs and I was working out, eating good and on my way! Then I was hit with some issue in my shoulder/back and every time I worked out (including just walking) I was in so much pain. I had small steroid injections and that seemed to help. Then my sciatica and lower back pain, on the replacement side, made life miserable. So I had an xray guided injection in my lower back just this April. In may, I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes. This is worse for me than my hip replacement! I can't figure out what to eat and I feel like I am gaining weight although I eat less! How are you managing, I could use some tips.
  • wendygailskitchen
    wendygailskitchen Posts: 9 Member
    Good morning papillion71!! After reading your post, I realized we have a couple of things in common. We're both mothers of teenage children. I have a 18 year old son, who will be starting college in a couple of weeks, I've had multiple surgeries as well. And, I need knee replacement but, the surgeon won't touch me until I lose 60+ pounds. I am pre diabetic. As diabetes run in the family (heavily), I and the doctor are amazed that I've been able to ward it off as long as I have. With that being said, I'm not liking that my numbers are high. I need knee replacement but need to lose 60+ pounds before the surgeon will CONSIDER doing it. Add to that a heel spur and Plantar Fasciitis. So, the excess weight HAS GOTTA GO! Feel free to add me as a friend.

    PS. I love reading, dogs, cats, cooking