Need supportive friends, please

Physically, emotionally this has ben a bad year for me and I have gained 30 pounds in a year, topping my 5 foot frame back at 182.6 - I need/want to lose 50 pounds or I am going to put myself in an early grave. I HAVE to do this. I am back and plan to eat better, exercise 6 days a week and just overall be a better me. I would love some supportive friends, and tips you can offer, encouraging words, anything would help. Yes, I have lost the weight before but right now I am just not in that same mind set, but I need to get back there. My 50th birthday is in March and I would love to be fit and fab at 50. My goal is 35 pounds by my 50th, with the remaining to come off by next summer! Thanks all.


  • Panda8ach
    Panda8ach Posts: 518 Member
    Hey :) You've done it before and you WILL do it again! I honestly believe that if you want this then you have to be consistent..log everything (good and bad :)), log in everyday and keep yourself hydrated. You will be fab at 50 :#<3
  • cushygal49
    cushygal49 Posts: 10 Member
  • velocity60
    velocity60 Posts: 83 Member
    I sent you a message to add me . I hope I did it right , seems like it used to be so much easier to add friends . Anyway we share the same height & i know that feeling of loss , gain , repeat . I'm back on MFP again after some major life & location changes . I'd love to have a motivational friend . It makes all the difference i think ! Hope you have a great day today ! Fab for 50 ! Your going to nail it !
  • Angela2ndChance
    Angela2ndChance Posts: 10 Member
    We can support each other. I'll be 47 this year and need to lose quite a bit. :) The right mindset, the right goal, the right timing, and the right attitude. You have them all. You can do this!! We can do this together!
  • AAMFitPal
    AAMFitPal Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, I'm at same height - also 50 lbs to lose. I'm 55 years old, and want more energy and to feel better. I've relocated across country, so have a lot of changes right now.
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    35lbs in 7 months should be an achievable goal. The most important part here is that you "HAVE TO DO THIS", which is the key. Other people can support, but you are the one that has to be "in it to win it" (or in this case lose it :) ) ... I am not the best to support people I am afraid, as I have a tendency to be too honest :(, which is not always appreciated (especially when you are on the receiving end) :)
  • mommiechristine
    mommiechristine Posts: 5 Member
    I'm about the same weight and height! I need some motivational friends on here! I'm new!
  • sassysisterjd
    sassysisterjd Posts: 41 Member
    You can totally do this!!!! I get what you mean about being in the mindset to do this versus not, but you know, maybe if you just commit to going through the motions of doing this for yourself, the right mindset will eventually follow. Weight loss is a long term journey, not short term perfection. And good health is a goal to strive for for the rest of your life! Be kind to yourself and if you mess up or lose motivation, just pick yourself back up and keep going! :D
    You can do this!
  • Gypsa66
    Gypsa66 Posts: 10 Member
    Well, I have quite a bit more to lose than you, but can definitely relate; in my 40s, multiple times trying to lose, trying to find the right mind set. Recently went to my doctor with these problems. First step was he referred me to a mid-life obgyn who specializes in women in their 40s and I LOVED her. She worked with me and set me up with a gastroenterologist who tries to treat mind as well as body in nutrition and weight loss. He and his team are wonderful too (finding supportive doctors isn't really an easy thing to do). Through a lot of discussion with him, found out that I have binge eating disorder. Have been working with him the past month and a half, and find that I'm now in a really good mind set (which I'd like to continue). Always looking for new friends and motivation (for myself and other) on here. I'll send you an add request. Anyone else is free to add me as well.
  • sarahmariedaigle
    sarahmariedaigle Posts: 29 Member
    You can do this! Keep your eye on feeling better, physically and emotionally! I am also 5 foot, looking to lose about 60lbs.