When do you log?



  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I try to log as much as I can in the morning. Breakfast, lunch and snacks leaving dinner for the end of the night. I make a point to log when I am on my home computer so I am not glues to my phone all day ahaha
  • BigBadVooDooBob
    During the week I log stuff in advance because I know what I'm having, weekends I log shortly after eating otherwise I get that Caloric Amnesia setting in!
  • JustMichelleB
    During the week (when I'm at work), I log as I go for the most part. I'll log onto the computer after dinner (at home) and log the rest of my day and exercise.

    On the weekends, my logging is sucky. I don't like the phone app and don't like to log there, but often get busy and forget to log on the PC (pretty good at logging b'fast, lunch, notsomuch with dinner, etc).
  • sunshine77081
    I log in after I ate something or after an exercise so I dont forget.
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    I'm an obsessive, complusive 'logger'.

    I even log a meal I think I am going to eat just to see how it affects my food 'stats' and if its not helpful I 'delete' from my diary and 'delete' from my plans.

    Think its getting on my husbands nerves...lol
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    I'm never without my iPad, iPhone or other Apple consumerist products because I'm an Apple consumerist *kitten*, so I tend to log right after I'm eating or just before.
    lol on the consumerist comments - good thing I liked you BEFORE I found out about your Apple addiction :P

    You don't like Apple?! *gasp*
  • Evotchka
    Evotchka Posts: 144 Member
    I am logging as I'm eating. It helps me to see the number of calories left for the day and that way I can usually plan better, because I am awesome in cheating myself. I especially like loggin my exercise right after I did it, it's like a reward when it shows me all the calories I can eat again.
    I also like mentioned before love to use the new barcode scanner when I cook, it's easy and fast and a fun toy.
  • kashia09
    kashia09 Posts: 15
    I generally try and log after I do something or eat something so I don't chance forgetting...it also helps keep me on track with how much calorie allowance I have.