Do you wanna eat even when you're not hungry?

I'm sitting here at my desk - feeling a little 'blah' today. I'm not hungry, but I'm thinking about what I could eat. I don't really "want" anything, but am still thinking about what I could eat. What's that about, and am I alone?


  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    Nope- not alone!- I am sitting at my desk feeling the same way! I think it is about boredom
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    Resist boredom eating! I get that feeling sometimes. My job isn't very demanding and sometimes I think "Gee! I want a snack." However, I'm not actually hungry. I'm just bored. Usually a glass of water and a piece of gum will take care of that urge.
  • ahappyapple
    ahappyapple Posts: 128 Member
    I do this all the time... I have started to ask myself, "are you really hungry, or just bored?" That usually stops me from eating something.
  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    Every day of my life.
  • annamariemourin
    I do this alllllll the time...I know exactly how you feel
  • literarylin
    I have that problem everyday! Especially the afternoons from 3 to 5! And, of course, at that time I crave sugar/carbs! I have been having a protein shake at 3pm and it seems to help...
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I get that way a lot. I've started chewing gum and usually that clues me in to whether or not I am actually hungry (it gives my mouth something to do, but if my stomach growls, then I know for sure!).
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I don't even have to be bored to think like this. I think I have a tendency towards OCD - so I can focus on something, like FOOD, and obsess about it... Until I get it... Then it's all over!
  • WhomII
    WhomII Posts: 24
    This is SOOO my life!!
    One day I want to "Eat to live" instead of "Live to eat". Will that ever happen?
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    It took me a long time to figure out that "not hungry" is an okay feeling. It's different than full, or hungry. It's that in between feeling.

    So I hung a note on my fridge that said "Stop, Are you hungry or just bored?" That really helped me to THINK about it before I decided to eat.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Yup! Always thinking about food and what I can eat when I'm bored! Bad case of that yesterday afternoon for the last 2 hours at work. I don't drink anything other than water. But, the urge to eat, especially something sweet was overwhelming. So, I drank 2 cups of decaf tea and sweetened with a little truvia; that did the trick for me! Kept my mouth busy and gave me something sweet!
  • EliseLives
    EliseLives Posts: 50 Member
    I was doing this constantly. Something I read in the newspaper about how to curve childhood obesity really stuck with me. The first recommendation was about self control. Telling yourself no to something that makes you feel good. And it feels really powerful to deny something to yourself.
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    Yep happens to me too. Ditto what others have said, I get up, get a large glass of water. I usually add a little bit of lemon or no cal flavoring to my water, which helps. Chewing gum also works. Then if in about 30min or and hour I'm still hungry, I look for something healthy: nuts, apple, banana etc.

    I hate boredom is my nemisis!!!
  • sararb319
    sararb319 Posts: 10
    Simple answer... YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I am a boredom eater. I'm also a "I want to keep my fingers busy" eater. This hits me especially in the evenings. Sometimes I just go upstairs to bed with a book so I won't be snacking.
  • Bringerofrain
    Bringerofrain Posts: 163 Member
    Ha ha I do the same thing too! I 've now broken my eating into 5 -6 smaller meals. Seems as if I am always eating something lol but what I eat I make sure it's something healthy for me. Every once in awhile a Pizza will pop into my head but then I think ugh that takes so long to digest it would totally mess up my routine. Well, maybe just a small piece then lol ;)
  • vicki915
    vicki915 Posts: 38 Member
    YES!!! I'm starting to think it's harder to resist FOOD, than it was to quit smoking :grumble: I'm a non-smoker after 25 years of smoking, but all I think about is FOOD now!
  • SpectacuLaura
    SpectacuLaura Posts: 144 Member
    I get that way a lot. I've started chewing gum and usually that clues me in to whether or not I am actually hungry (it gives my mouth something to do, but if my stomach growls, then I know for sure!).

    I do this too! I'm not a stress eater or an emotional eater but I am DEFINITELY a boredom eater! I used to snack non-stop when I'm just bored or antsy. Chewing gum at my desk has really helped me to curb the craving for an unneeded snack. Or drinking a ton of water.
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I used to be like that all the time. If I found myself alone with nothing to do or at work trying to procrastinate, I wanted to eat something. The way to tell that it's not really hunger is if you can satisfy it with an apple or some carrot sticks. If you are craving something like carbs, sugar or cheesy, then you may be dealing with food addictions.

    I really had no control over my eating and it was frustrating. For every day that I could resist temptation, there was another that I couldn't. That's how I ended up 140 pounds overweight. For me, it took a drastic (but much easier than I thought) change. I eliminated ALL the addictive foods from my diet. No moderation, no cheat meals, no free days. And what I found was truly amazing. I regained control of myself. I became confident. My taste buds evolved. Healthy food tastes yummy to me. I have never enjoyed eating as much as I do today. If you were to offer me the choice between a ripe plum and a piece of cake, I could gladly choose the plum, enjoy every bite, and not feel one bit deprived. In fact, I would feel confident and in control. Those are some pretty good feelings.
  • konjit
    konjit Posts: 16
    That's from habit! I chew gum :laugh: , thats what I am doing @ this very moment. It will take a few to break the cycle. But ones you do, you will know the difference. Besides, its the weekend... and you look FAB.. put some music on Pandora and LUV the Friday. (even if you feel BLAH)
