Starting again

I am starting over again. I lost a lot of weight and then intentional gained it back. I didn't think to myself let me gain weight. I just ate and drank and ate until I ended up back here. This time around I want to maker better food choices consistently. Excercise is not the issue, once I get started I enjoy it. Food on the other hand has held me captive. Anyone else starting again?


  • theedesi
    theedesi Posts: 1 Member
    Right there with you. Got within 3 lbs of my goal weight a couple years ago. Now I am the heaviest I've ever been. I too enjoy working out but I overeat. Ready to get back to my healthy lifestyle that had me in the best shape of my life. We got this!
  • Sugarphobia
    Sugarphobia Posts: 20 Member
    Same here! I've lost more than 20lbs and then I've gained it back. Now I'm starting again as you do :)
  • 20wkrevamp
    20wkrevamp Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I am Hannah and new to MFP - hoping this will be the push to help me lose the last few kilos :D Please feel free to add me so we can motivate each other!
  • slimjimdavina
    slimjimdavina Posts: 22 Member
    I know exactly what you mean!!!
    I lost 168lbs over 13 months. I kept it off for 3 years but sadly it's sneaking back on.
    Let's help each other and talk more and eat less, lol x
  • MarcA1218
    MarcA1218 Posts: 570 Member
    I am starting over.... Again... Again.... Again... looking to become an inspiration while being inspired by others. This is not a solo mission and united we stand :) feel free to add me and we can motivate each other towards our goals.
  • ethel6188
    ethel6188 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi and I'm starting again for the (who knows how many times) but I have lost in the past and for all the wrong reasons, this time I have to lose because June 7th, diagnosed with Type II Diabetes and I'm doing good on working with that, large family history of it but I have cut the sugar now it's time to lose weight and get a handle on this. I lost about 125 pounds about 15 years ago well, I've gained it all back plus another 80 and I know how I did it, I just didn't care but I don't want to feel that way any more so here I am, I'm committed to doing better. I am trying to find out is there somewhere here in myfitnesspal, there is a way to put in my levels, so I can see it as well. I know I can add to the notes but wasn't sure if there was something I'm missing. Thanks and I hope everyone is having a great day.
  • chrismoore1969
    chrismoore1969 Posts: 4 Member
    I understand where you are coming from because here I am again. I used Fitness Pal a long time ago and I did lose weight but here I am again. I know I need to lose weight and keep it off. I even know how to do it. If I am going to be like my 72 year mom and go hiking in the Swiss Alps, I need to lose this weight and get healthier. I want to live the life that God has intended for me and I cant let this weight hold me back and keep my down. NOT ANYMORE!