Finally seeing the weight peel off!

Hello everyone,
I'm not usually the blogging type but I saw the forum and thought what the heck. I started trying to seriously lose weight almost a year ago. It was a half hearted sort of affair. In March of this year I ended up in the hospital and to make a long story short was diagnosed with gluten and dairy allergy. Sad for me but a great thing for weight loss. Cut out out processed foods and dairy and really began to focus on good clean foods like lean meats, fruits, beans and grain. The weight has just poured off. I have found that this app really helps me to focus on my portion sizes and I found the recipie builder very handy to figure out my calories when I'm cooking for the whole family. I have done the free and paid app and I have found I am much more serious about following through when I have money coming out of my pocket. Lol...I initially lost 20 pounds on my own before joining last October and I have lost an additional 41 since then for a total of 61 pounds. I feel terrific! Hang in there and don't give up!
