Advice on tweaked levator scapulae?

Hey all! I recently started the StrongLifts 5x5. Last night my weight increased to 55 lbs on the OHP. It was my first fail... (pathetic, I know) made it the first set, then 4, then 3, then 2, then 1... my pain started after the first set. Last night was horrible as I could not get comfortable. This morning, I can hardly turn my head, and shrugging my shoulder is agony. I don't think this is just normal muscle soreness as my other side is a bit sore, but fine. How long should I rest it? And are the other lifts going to be okay to do? I hate to miss workouts, but hate to be out longer due to overworking...anyone encounter this? Tia!!


  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I used to do it when I overdid pull-ups.
    The thing that helped me the most was massaging it, and rest. I always took a break from pull-ups until it was better, cuz going back to the exercise always seemed to aggravate it again.
    Ice too.
    I might avoid ibuprofen or any other NSAID, if you can. A recent study showed that NSAIDs might interfere with healing a bit.
    Good luck. Hope your work does not require you to do much strenuous stuff this week. But, then, I don't suppose rangers do much sitting in the summer.....
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Use a tennis ball to massage (place between the sore area and the wall or floor). NSAIDs on a full stomach.
  • BigNate17
    BigNate17 Posts: 65 Member
    Avoid any movements that are going to aggravate it further and book an appointment with a chiropractor to have it looked at.

    Missing a couple workouts is better than injuring yourself further and ending up missing months of workouts.
  • Rangerharms
    Rangerharms Posts: 77 Member
    Awesome! I'm new to the lifting thing, and I really do love it. Appreciate the feedback, y'all!
  • timsla
    timsla Posts: 174 Member
    BigNate17 wrote: »
    Avoid any movements that are going to aggravate it further and book an appointment with a chiropractor to have it looked at.

    Missing a couple workouts is better than injuring yourself further and ending up missing months of workouts.

    Totally correct. Personally a big fan of sub maximal lifting from a power lifting standpoint with peaking and testing far and few between
  • drgregdc
    drgregdc Posts: 21 Member
    Does it hurt to turn your head? If so you probably pinched a nerve in your neck (the nerve innervates the l. scap muscle). If so ice 4-5 times a day for 10 minutes; for the next 2 days. Apply some light traction to your neck(laying down). I am a Chiropractor and see this a lot. Message me if you have ?s
  • drgregdc
    drgregdc Posts: 21 Member
    And don't down yourself for how much you lift. Keep your head up and you will see the stars:)
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    I've done something similar. I've rested it for a week and iced it.
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    get professional advice - physio or osteopath ideally
  • JimmyCarterI2T
    JimmyCarterI2T Posts: 14 Member
    Hey all! I recently started the StrongLifts 5x5. Last night my weight increased to 55 lbs on the OHP. It was my first fail... (pathetic, I know) made it the first set, then 4, then 3, then 2, then 1... my pain started after the first set. Last night was horrible as I could not get comfortable. This morning, I can hardly turn my head, and shrugging my shoulder is agony. I don't think this is just normal muscle soreness as my other side is a bit sore, but fine. How long should I rest it? And are the other lifts going to be okay to do? I hate to miss workouts, but hate to be out longer due to overworking...anyone encounter this? Tia!!

    go get a massage!
  • vishnum0593
    vishnum0593 Posts: 7 Member
    You are having a muscle spasm. And also a condition that is called fibromyalgia.
    The reason might be because:
    You have suddenly increased the weights to such a extend that your body is not used to.
    You could do the following:
    Rest your back for a couple of days atleast for a week. This way the pain will reside.
    Hot fomentation- you take a cloth and dip it in warm water and put it on the affected area. That would release the tension over that area. Do this 3-4 times a day.
    Analgesic sprays-
    For a quick recovery, I would prefer to use an analgesic spray to relieve the pain.
    And about the other workouts, you have be careful with exercises that involves pulling movements (as that would trigger more pain on your back).
    Pushing exercises will do. And you could work on the legs. Good luck
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    55lbs ohp for a beginner female is pretty good imo.
    Work on your form, but rest till your neck is fixed. Massage the trapezius yourself, visit a masseuse, or go see a chiro.
  • snyderadam
    snyderadam Posts: 4 Member
    I've been recovering from a strained levator scapulae for 2 years now. What ever you do, don't sit on it and do nothing. See a physical therapist if still persists. Then stretching/strengthening following. If you want tips, let me know.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,988 Member
    edited September 2017
    Rest is the 1st step. Stop doing ANY more lifting (especially upper body lifting) immediately!

    If there is swelling, use ice. Otherwise, use heat to relieve the pain. Take OTC pain killers, as need be . If you have a neck brace (or are willing to buy one), use it to immobilize your neck.

    Don't listen to foolish people who say that you can and should "work thru" the pain or soreness. That's nonsense that can aggravate or exascerbate the injury. The only question is how severe it is.

    If you have HMO coverage, immediately ask your PCP for a referral to an orthopedic specialist. If you have PPO coverage, do it yourself. It normally takes several weeks to actually see an orthopedist. If the pain subsides b4 the appt is scheduled, you can just cancel the appt. But, if the pain does not subside by then, you'll already have an appt in hand.

    If you're lucky and the pain subsides on it's own w/in a couple of weeks, take it easy b4 starting to lift heavy again. Work your way back up gradually.

    If you are unlucky and the pain persists, insist on xrays and am MRI to assess the injury when you see your doctor.

    Hopefully, it's only a strain and no surgery will be required. Your doc can provide you w/stronger pain killers, braces and other theraputic aids and/or refer you to PT if necessary.

    Take it from one who has suffered and been treated for multiple muscukar, joint and bone injuries over the years.

    Good luck!