Hi I'm Elizabeth

I am 58, married, ave been over weight most of my adult life. I live in SE Texas and up to last may 1st I was a walking medical disaster. (I am a Type 1 and 2 diabetic, had 2 massive strokes in 2014, I was very over weight, I have lost a kidney and had cancer twice) on 5/1 Things changed,(don't ask me why, I really can't explain it) I gave up caffeine and diet sodas and my daily 5 hour shot, I down loaded and tarted using MFP along with a Ketogenic medicinal Way of eating, and exercising regularly. I have lost 40 pounds and unfortunately my 4th toe due to an infection..(this has side lined me from most exercise for the past 3 weeks) but my A1c is down to 5.83 My insulin requirement is down by 2/3rds, I am off blood pressure meds completely. My eyes are the best they have been in 10 years.
My one complaint abou MFP is that I can't manually enter steps and track that progress.

ps: I am married to a 69 year old marathoner who is training for the 2018 Dopey Challenge in January.

nice to meet ya'll


  • slimjimdavina
    slimjimdavina Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Elizabeth,
    Well done on the fantastic 40lbs off. Sorry to hear about your toe, but that aside you sound to be doing amazingly well.
    Davina x
  • NapalmZygote
    NapalmZygote Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Elizabeth, and congrats. I too experienced one of those "something changed" moments about 7 weeks ago, after which I decided to download this app. Things have definitely turned a corner for me (so far) and although I have no expertise to really share, just wanted to say: good job.

  • freeamanda
    freeamanda Posts: 2 Member
    Very inspiring! Please keep us posted on your progress!