Away they go! Pounds that is. New here...

I just started using the app last week. I have mine at low activity and to lose 2 lbs a week. Giving me 1,500 calories per day which I have been under every day and not hungry either. That is the most surprising thing.

I use the treadmill at highest incline at 3.8 miles per hour for 60 minutes 5 days a week. It says I am burning 760 calories but I don't buy it. I also do a rigorous weight training at an additional 4 times per week. Those last an hour too. I sweat just as much as the treadmill and sometimes more. (yes I have issues) I have been doing that for years.

I am treating all that exercise as gravy. I am not using that to change my calorie numbers. If I take the exercise into account, on the conservative side, I am consuming less than 900 calories 5 out of 7 days a week. But again, I don't figure that into my calorie numbers.

So I am pushing along. My wife and I already see a difference. I am already tightening my belt by one more hole and my pants are looser. My daughter said to me on Sunday, "you have a 6 pack, I didn't know you had one?" (she actually called it an 8 pack. Lol) If an 8 year old notices a change, it must be real. The six pack was under a few extra pounds.

My first weigh in after 1 week using the app is Thursday. Hope to see the results I think I have but either way, I feel a heck of a lot better. I am only looking to lose 15 pounds so I have a feeling I will be there in 6-8 weeks give/take.

Love this app!

Wish me luck!


  • slimjimdavina
    slimjimdavina Posts: 22 Member
    Good luck!
    Not that you'll need it with all the hard work you're putting in.
    My idea of low activity and yours are two different things! Lol.
    Loving the 8 pack. Great encouragement from your daughter :)