Any busy single mummas? (Aussie spelling)

I am a busy single mum and i have ran out of excuses for my weight gain. At 105kg its time to step up and be accountable. I have yoyo dieted way to many times. I want to healthily get the weight off and stay off this time. Anyone out there who is in the same boat?


  • nosilla77
    nosilla77 Posts: 4 Member
    Yup. American Allison here. 39 years old. Married. Have a nine year old daughter. I would like to lose 15-20 lbs. Wanna be my accountability buddy? Just logging daily and trying to work out a few times a week for 20-30 minutes? Walking, yoga, circuit training, anything works!
  • ann12sproule
    ann12sproule Posts: 3 Member
    Yes!!! I am just trying to log daily aswell, finding time to work out is a squeeze so 2/3 times a week is about it for me aswell.