
Hello. I'm Heather. I've been here off and on. I'm trying to lose weight and figure out a workout schedule I can stick to with my hectic schedule.


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    So how hectic is your schedule? What sorts of activities do you like and when do you have the most time? (Morning, afternoon, evening, weekends).
  • fosterman007
    fosterman007 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Heather, I'm Chris. Im trying to do the same with very little freetime in the day. Been doing 5am workouts for two weeks, but really need to figure the nutrition part out.
  • HeatherBibik
    HeatherBibik Posts: 7 Member
    Let's see. I work 2 28hr shifts with at risk youth, run my father around places on my off days, and taxi my sister to and from work. I play indoor volleyball during the fall/winter months 1 night a week, I was taking yoga 2 days a week (I'm waiting for that to start back up in sept), and enjoy going to the gym when I'm not exhausted. I enjoy walking.
  • gmikesell
    gmikesell Posts: 89 Member
    You must burn through thousands of calories just with your daily activity level!
  • HeatherBibik
    HeatherBibik Posts: 7 Member
    Not really.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    How many days off after the two 28 hour shifts?

    I think you have a good round of activities you enjoy.

    Losing weight is chiefly by controlling how many calories you consume. On shift days you might want to try prepping all the meals and snacks. When I worked a twelve hour day I planned out all my meals, splitting my breakfast in to two so at no time was I starving. My danger zone is right after I get home.

    For activities, since you are on shift work and your family seems to have sucked up all your errand time, you might need to grab your moments. Like if you are waiting for your dad to finish an appointment, take a walk to a pocket park and back. Pokémon Go is good for scouting out local attractions.
  • HeatherBibik
    HeatherBibik Posts: 7 Member
    I have 1 day off then 2 off between my shifts. My weight loss hasn't been successful over the years because over time I will start slipping with how much water I drink a day and not eating regularly throughout the day. I tend to spend my energy on taking care of everyone around me instead of taking that time I need to help me feel good.
    The problem i would have with meal prepping for a shift is how many meals I would have to bring with me, plus we are suppose eat with the clients. So I make dinners at work. (The only guaranteed meal for me some shifts)
  • gts175
    gts175 Posts: 38 Member
    Does anyone know the cost of MFP Premium?
  • Geraint1980
    Geraint1980 Posts: 15 Member
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Heather, I am going to recommend a book.

    Find More Time: How to Get Things Done at Home, Organize Your Life, and Feel Great About It
    by Laura Stack

    One of Laura's tips is to book time for yourself in your calendar. If someone tries to intrude in that time you can honestly say you have a previous appointment.

    If the meals at work are a predictable pattern you can still pre plan and pre log your meals.
  • HeatherBibik
    HeatherBibik Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you. I will look into that book. I'm always open to ideas that may help me in my busy life.
    Unfortunately, I'm normally figuring out the dinner meal sometime during that day; So, that is an area that I will have to work out.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    If you are working with youth they usually have their favourite meals, yes? After a while you can build up say, a dozen recipes of their favourite meals. You will have to eyeball the portions of course but pre planning can help you stay on track.
  • HeatherBibik
    HeatherBibik Posts: 7 Member
    Yes. Each group does have their favorites. I will have to try to incorporate the meal planning.