21 Day Fix exercises -- how to log

Hi! I am fairly new to My Fitness Pal. I'm planning to work out tonight with a 21-day-fix video (probably Total Body Cardio), and I'm wondering how to log it in this app to calculate the calories burned. It's a 30-minute workout. Would you call it 15 minutes aerobics and 15 minutes calisthenics? Or is there a way (through Beachbody maybe) to estimate the calories I've burned given my current height and weight?


  • enyagoboom
    enyagoboom Posts: 377 Member
    Hi Bonnie, I just wanted to say I'm also doing the videos and I have no clue how to track it lol. I'm putting in cardio for 30 minutes but am trying to sort out a better way to track it.

    also, those surrender moves? Freaking hate them. How are you doing?
  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    I usually log as either aerobics or circuit training. I'm not looking for perfection, so I'm okay with the estimate.
  • enyagoboom
    enyagoboom Posts: 377 Member
    same here, it's an estimate for now. it will matter more to me when i start hitting a plateau and need to really drill down on what has to change.
  • schellies
    schellies Posts: 88 Member
    Im starting 21df again tomorrow. Cant wait! How are you guts doing? How long have you used them?
  • weeplin
    weeplin Posts: 21 Member
    Hey, I'm on day 4 of 21 day fix :-) I have a heart rate monitor which I use to work out calories burned. I work my butt off but it doesn't seem to burn much, only 163 cals last night on lower fix BUT I'm pretty sure when you use weights you burn calories but because you aren't moving like you do during cardio your heart rate just doesn't go as high and this is what the monitor relies on. I'm logging it anyway, because like you I'm unsure what to pick. I think I read that they estimate you should burn around 400 a workout because when you are working out your calorie allowance for the wee tubs they add 400 to your baseline. I think. I may be totally wrong and way off here. I hope this hasn't left you more confused!
  • bonniebrownhair
    bonniebrownhair Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for your responses, everyone!

    So, as far as 21-Day-Fix goes, it seems that my husband put the videos and my weights somewhere mysterious. He gets back from a business trip tomorrow, so I'll ask him to help me find them then.

    In the meantime, I've been doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (and using soup cans as weights, though they're not nearly heavy enough).

    I've done 21-Day-Fix before a couple times, bit the last time was almost two years ago. I do really like the videos. I find them overall more challenging than 30 Day Shred (which I like), but they're still very doable and easy to modify in parts when I need to.

    I think I've decided to log most of the workouts as "circuit training" except yoga and pilates.