Middle aged teacher seeking teacher support group

Hello! I am new and eager to get my health back on track. I teach elementary school and with the stress of demands and drained emotional and physical energy by the last bell, I have let myself go. I just threw out my back because of being weak physically, my feet are already bad, my knees ache, and I have no energy. I recently kicked my diet coke habit and am slowly moving forward with bettering myself. Now it is time to get serious, yet I am about to start school again and need support. I would LOVE to connect with other teachers who would like to work together to achieve our goals.


  • aha1023
    aha1023 Posts: 3 Member
    I am an Instructional Assitant at an elementart school. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Marnixsjoerd
    Marnixsjoerd Posts: 4 Member
    I write learning material and I'm a flight instructor (kind of like a teacher.. haha) feel free to add me!