Losing the Baby Weight. Again.



  • LeeanneEkland
    LeeanneEkland Posts: 15 Member
    Hey hey. Today is day 2 for me. How aboit you?
  • JackieMarie1989jgw
    JackieMarie1989jgw Posts: 230 Member
    Hello! I currently have a 1 month old and am trying to lose 30 pounds I gained with him, as well as an additional 10 that I never lost from my first pregnancy. 40 lbs is the biggest weight loss journey I've ever done so it feels a bit overwhelming. Feel free to add me!
  • JackieMarie1989jgw
    JackieMarie1989jgw Posts: 230 Member
    I never used to have a sweet tooth but breastfeeding makes me crave sweets like crazy. That's one of my biggest challenges
  • saraichka
    saraichka Posts: 24 Member
    Hello! I currently have a 1 month old and am trying to lose 30 pounds I gained with him, as well as an additional 10 that I never lost from my first pregnancy. 40 lbs is the biggest weight loss journey I've ever done so it feels a bit overwhelming. Feel free to add me!

    I agree, my weight loss journey is overwhelming as well. However, as my husband keeps reminding me "stick to the process, and you'll see results." That's my mantra now. I stick to the process, and looking back over the last 4 months I have seen results. I still have a long way to go, but I stick to the process.
  • abarriere
    abarriere Posts: 135 Member
    Hello everyone! I initially lost all the baby weight for my little guy within a year and a half after he was born, since then, the scale has crept up 15 pounds (mostly due to fertility drugs for number 2, then having a few "fun" months after deciding to not try anymore for number 2). So now i am back trying to lose those 15, plus another 20 or so that may or may not need to go!
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    I've offically got about 30 pounds of baby weight and then another 30 of prebaby. I'm really concerned, that at my age, once I lose the weight there'll be a lot of excess skin to deal with. I think that is worse than being overweight so maybe I have to shoot for 40 pounds or so. Or maybe that is an excuse? I'm curious to know your thoughts. I just turned 50 btw.

    Leeanne, i am close to your age (45) and at my highest nonpregnancy weight was 220. After my last pregnancy in 2015, twins!, I finally got serious and lost all of the baby weight and then some! I have a little jiggly skin on my belly and my breasts have left the building, Lol, but all in all I look good and I'm probably going to lose a few more pounds, sitting at 145 right now. My advice would be to reevaluate your goals when you get closer! You can always go to maintenance for a month or two and then lose more if you decide later! Good luck!
  • goalpeace
    goalpeace Posts: 272 Member
    I gave birth last in 2005 but I still have that baby weight!! Count me in. I currently have 35 Lbs to lose! I am short so my body holds on to those pounds so terribly. I lost it all in 2014 but gained it all back. Looked in the mirror and said NO. Currently on my 4 day streak back on MFP.
  • noirelb
    noirelb Posts: 216 Member
    I met my fiance at 185-190lbs and am happy at that weight (5'10") and got pregnant at 210lbs.... 2 months after giving birth (birth was may 2016) i weighed 264lbs!! By the time my son was 1, i was 250lbs and got serious and lost 26lbs on MFP in the last 2 months. So i am now 224lbs and my first goal is pre pregnancy weight, then 190 again!.... And then of course I'll get pregnant again and the process will happen again lol. I'd be happy if i was at pre pregnancy weight 1.5 years after giving birth (14lbs before end of october).
    Honestly i don't think loosing 60lbs will make your skin THAT bad but im 27 so what do i know. Also, you could always lose weight without necessarily going mid BMI and it would fill you out a bit and you would be healthier!
  • LeeanneEkland
    LeeanneEkland Posts: 15 Member
    Yeah good points. I don't want the potential of excess skin to hamper my goal of losing this weight and getting into shape again. So I'll reassess when and if it happens. Im tall, 6', so maybe it won't be too bad.
  • noirelb
    noirelb Posts: 216 Member
    Yeah good points. I don't want the potential of excess skin to hamper my goal of losing this weight and getting into shape again. So I'll reassess when and if it happens. Im tall, 6', so maybe it won't be too bad.

    Oh! Even better 50-60lbs on 6' women is nothing compared to a 5' women. When i was 16 (yes i realise my elasticity was great then) i lost 85lbs and i did not have any loose skin. So you may have some but i don't think it would be an insane amount aspecialy if you have weight everywhere on your body rather than all your tummy
  • noirelb
    noirelb Posts: 216 Member
    Also! Id prefer loose slin on my tummy and slim look with clothes on than rolls and jiggles consistently clothes or no clothes
  • katnadreau
    katnadreau Posts: 149 Member
    I have 3 times baby weight for all three of my booger butts:) it took me three years to lose baby weight from my 1st baby now I've gained it all back with the other two!

    OH man, when I read "Booger butts" I legit laughed out loud :'D I've got 4 of those, my youngest being 15 months, my oldest being 11.

    I have about 10 pounds left (down 10 from my starting). I'll likely be sending a friend request to all you ladies :)
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    haha me too, my "baby" is about to turn 5 :/ feel free to add me :)
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I wish losing the baby weight was my problem. I've successfully lost that and have lost an additional 40 pounds. Sounds great but I still need to lose another 30. Baby is a week shy of 9 months.

    I'm not personally worried about loose skin. If it happens it happens.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    I've offically got about 30 pounds of baby weight and then another 30 of prebaby. I'm really concerned, that at my age, once I lose the weight there'll be a lot of excess skin to deal with. I think that is worse than being overweight so maybe I have to shoot for 40 pounds or so. Or maybe that is an excuse? I'm curious to know your thoughts. I just turned 50 btw.

    Lift weights as part of your routine.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Just wanted to stop by and say it's possible ladies. The key is PATIENCE. My son will be 4 next month. I gained 45 lbs with him (went from 145 to 190). It took me a year to get down to 142/143. My twin girls are 14 months now. I gained 55 lbs with them (went from 145 to a little under 200...around 198ish). I weighed myself on Aug 1st and I'm 136. I lift weights and run right now but throughout both of these journeys I've completed T25, Jillian Michael's various programs--30 Day Shred, Kickbox Fast Fix...just to name a few, Jessica Smith walking routines, Fitbess Blender workouts and various HIIT exercises with Julia Bognar.

    I've been focused and not focused this entire time. Life happens, discouragement sets in sometimes but results will come will your willpower reigns.

    Good luck to you all.
  • LeeanneEkland
    LeeanneEkland Posts: 15 Member
    You're probably right. I sometimes think about the people you see who lose a lot of weight and then have so much loose skin that they are traumatized by it. You can't get rid of it without surgery. It's so hard to imagine. I guess we'll see what happens.
  • saraichka
    saraichka Posts: 24 Member
    I think lose skin varies from person to person. Depends on your height, how quickly you lost the weight (and probably how long you were at a higher weight), and genetics. I say go for it and then deal with what comes. With my first pregnancy I was about 260 before giving birth. I got down to 191 (which was 4 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight) and I had no loose skin (I'm 5'9"). I lifted weights and did cardio and I felt strong and muscular ... that's my goal this time around too!
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    I was a big girl when i had my daughter and gained in the years after having her until i was 387lb
    I lost alot and got pregnant a decade after having my daughter but was really ill and got to just over 200lb during pregnancy and i gave birth at 25 weeks!.
    Also developed hypoglycaemia which they treated by having me eat 4 biscuits every hour lol
    At 6 months post partum and breastfeeding i had gone back up to 260lb and have been slowly working on dropping back down while keeping my milk supply up and the hypoglycaemia at bay ( struggle with that, had a hypo 2 nights ago )