FROM FLAB 2 FAB (Closed Group)



  • msmonique0919
    I am working on will be posted in a few.
    Alright ladies! Our group has been compiled. We also have a few members who will be with us for support. I will be starting a new forum and I want everyone to at least bump so that you can stay in tune with us. While the physical and point part of the challenge starts on Monday, August 1st, there are a few things that I need from you. So, check out the new forum for detail. We will be using the new forum all month long (unless we decide that it's too congested). It's time to get this done.

    Monique, where is the new forum??
  • tarabear88
    tarabear88 Posts: 37
    Hey hey hey my fellow FF2F.. I'm Tara and super super excited to be a part of this! I'm here to motivate and push each and every one of you and hope you'l all do the same for me. I'm currently down 83 lbs and am very confident I can pump that number up to atleast 95 if not 100 over this next month. This is absolutley my pleasure and can't wait to be Fab with all of you in roughly a month!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
  • MoonChild_69
    MoonChild_69 Posts: 28 Member
    LOVE the siggy banner, kap!