Sugar Question

Hi! I'm Christi and I am a sugarholic. I crave sugar more than I anything else and I can't seem to stop. I am going to start bodybuilding training the beginning of next year and to prepare my coach told me to cut all sugar from my diet. I've tracked all my food and no matter what I double or triple my sugar intake on a daily basis. Everything has sugar in it!!!

How can I break the sugar cravings? I've tried sugar free items and if anything they make me want the real stuff more.



  • dborsch
    dborsch Posts: 2
    Try Stevia. It's a great substitute!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Switch to truvia/stevia or agave to sweeten.... some people feel artifical sweeteners cause just as much craving as regular as these types are natural..

    Watch your carbs --- tons of sugar comes from just eating bad carbs....

    Read Labels :) You will be shocked at some of the items you probably thought were good. (fruity fake greek yogurt comes to mind!)
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    It's like an addiction. You just have to do it. After a few days it goes away.

    As for the sugar free stuff, that's always been a bit of a debate. There is data that says that it does cause you to crave it more, the debate is the mechanism. Be it blood sugar controls or you tasting sweet and expecting calories...

    I don't know what you normally eat, but avoid processed stuff. Try to eat the natural things and watch out for sweet fruits. Stick more to fruits like berries and the lower sugar ones - avoid things like oranges or pineapple which are higher in sugar, you can get the fiber and vit c elsewhere.

    Really, it just takes time to break the habit, like a smoker does.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Switch to truvia/stevia or agave to sweeten.... some people feel artifical sweeteners cause just as much craving as regular as these types are natural..

    Watch your carbs --- tons of sugar comes from just eating bad carbs....

    Read Labels :) You will be shocked at some of the items you probably thought were good. (fruity fake greek yogurt comes to mind!)

    Yogurt is a wonderful example! The typical yogurts are like candy and the greek yogurt from the major companies like Dannon are messed up too.
  • ddecarr
    ddecarr Posts: 103 Member
    I also miss the sweetness of certain things. I buy Sweet & Low and use it a lot. It satisfies my sweet tooth and hasn't hurt me so far in losing the weight. I put on my oatmeal, great with Chobani vanilla yogurt, add some fresh berries and put it in the freezer for an hour or until it starts to get like soft serve ice cream...DELISH!!!!!
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    MFP doesn't differentiate between Naturally occuring and Added sugars so it's impossible to be Zero in your "sugar intake".

    Generally Speaking, any Carbohydrate is either going to be Sugar, Starch or Fibre, which upon digestion is converted into Glycogen that is stored in your body as your primary source of energy.

    Fruits and Vegetables all contain various amounts of "sugar", however in that is a part of their naturally occuring make-up.

    What you want to avoid, are things that are artifically sweetened or contain added sugars - Cookies, Cakes, Donuts, candies, pastries, sweetened cereals,...the added sugar in your coffee etc.
  • lisab42
    lisab42 Posts: 98 Member
  • AdvoCare2
    AdvoCare2 Posts: 5
    I have the same problem! I drink an energy drink called Spark that is sugar free, but tastes SO good... Keeps me drinking water without getting bored ;)
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    The more water I drink, the less I want sweet things. It's weird, but it works for me.
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    I'd bet he meant added sugar, processed sugar, white sugar, etc. The sugar that shows up from fruits, veggies, and natural foods isn't what he was talking about. And yes, that's why all the studies show that sugar free/artificial sweeteners actually CAUSE weight gain...they make you crave more.
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    Hard to tell without seeing your diary.

    You'd be surprised what items have sugar in them these days. The trick is cutting out processed foods (easier said than done, I know). Before I started logging my food entries, I shutter to think what my sugar intake was. I cut all sweet tea/soda/desserts from my diet. I've switched to low sugar jelly/jam, went from sweetened to unsweetened almond milk, and carefully read every package to ensure added sugars aren't getting thrown into what I eat.

    Sadly, I still have some sugar in my diet...but I'd probably go nuts without it (yogurt and low sugar jelly are the main culprits).
  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
    MFP doesn't differentiate between Naturally occuring and Added sugars so it's impossible to be Zero in your "sugar intake".

    Generally Speaking, any Carbohydrate is either going to be Sugar, Starch or Fibre, which upon digestion is converted into Glycogen that is stored in your body as your primary source of energy.

    Fruits and Vegetables all contain various amounts of "sugar", however in that is a part of their naturally occuring make-up.

    What you want to avoid, are things that are artifically sweetened or contain added sugars - Cookies, Cakes, Donuts, candies, pastries, sweetened cereals,...the added sugar in your coffee etc.

    What you've stated is how I would LIKE to eat... Natural occuring sugars should be ok, however a lot of trainers will recomend against them. Currently, I have a friend working with a trainer that has had her eliminate ALL sugars. Fruit and everything else, naturally occurring or not. I am currently experimenting with the Belly Fat Cure diet and it is very much the same way- Eliminating all sugars (or eating VERY few) and then once you feel you've reached your weight loss goals they suggest adding some of the lower sugar fruits back slowly.... not saying I agree with it completely but this methodology is definitely out there and being used by MANY trainers.
  • CherryPie0420
    CherryPie0420 Posts: 25 Member
    Well I do use Truvia and have started to ween myself off of processed sugar first with eliminating creamer from my morning coffee. I notice its worst after meals so I've been trying to chew gum instead which sometimes helps and other times not so much.

    Maybe I should treat it as a true addiction and slowly get myself off the 'stuff'. I know going cold Turkey will just make me want it more.

    Has anyone else dealt with beating an addiction? Any ideas or tips you could give me?
  • westeimer
    westeimer Posts: 3 Member
    I just watched an old Dr. Oz show that recommended 1000mg of Chromium picolinate daily and a B complex vitamin to help stop sugar cravings. Myself, I went cold turkey and I felt awful for 3-4 days. Then it was out of my system and I felt great.