Is it ok to use a Colon Cleanse and it not be considered as

Ok this is a little embarassing but Oh well. Since I have started on my diet and weight loss shakes I have been having problems going number two. To the point that it hurts. So I bought a colon cleanse last night to help with that, and so far it has helped. I lost two pounds today because of it. TMI. Im just using it for my bowel problem. Is this considered cheating or what? Should I only take the Colon cleanse pill every couple of months and start using a stool softener? Any advice would be helpful, and sorry if this is uncomfortable to anybody that reads this.


  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I don't see it in your diary because you aren't tracking it, but how is your fiber intake? Make sure you're getting a good intake of fiber, that certainly helps with these kind of problems.
  • darkdestiny7
    Omg I had the exact same problem! I started eating Fiber One for breakfast and trying to incorporate more fruit and it cleared up in a few days. Maybe try more fiber as well as taking the pill sometimes?
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    I don't think it's cheating. If you were saying you were taking extra laxatives TO lose weight, then yes, that's abusing the product. But if you are genuinely having problems, I think you're just fine!
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I definitely wouldn't use a cleanse every couple of months for the purpose of helping you go because you cannot. I would address the reasons why you are having these tummy issues to begin with. Enough fiber in your diet? Probiotic? I would discuss with your physician, as a lot of cleanses can be harsh on your system.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    I don't think it's cheating. If you were saying you were taking extra laxatives TO lose weight, then yes, that's abusing the product. But if you are genuinely having problems, I think you're just fine!

    Totally agree...though I'd look into your fiber as several others have noted!
  • AdvoCare2
    AdvoCare2 Posts: 5
    I'm not totally informed about Colon Cleanse's but I do help people with the 24 Day Challenge through AdvoCare and the first ten days is and Herbal Cleanse. It is great for you and doesn't make you sit on the toilet(TMI also.. haha) But it does flush your body of toxins. It's a great source of fiber! It is the first ten days of the 24 day challenge. Let me know if this helped!
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    No not cheating at all!! But - do try natural ways by eating foods that are high in fiber. My youngest daughter has a difficult time with her poo so I have to mix high fiber foods into her everyday diet. Here's a list.
  • Marsha_S
    Marsha_S Posts: 74 Member
    Hi, I sometimes have problems 'doing the deed' too, and I use Miralax to help me along. It's not a laxative at all, you never have to stay near the bathroom. it just helps you go easier and more regularly, one dose daily. it's an odorless and tasteless powder that dissolves in your drink.

    As for colon cleansing, I do this once every few months - it's great to see the pounds fall off after a real toilet session:blushing: :laugh: , but when you start eating again and the tummy fills up, the weight come back too.

    Anyway, I highly recommend Miralax. it's not the cheapest BUT it's the only one I will recommend, because it works for me. When you start taking it, you will see a difference after a couple days. it's very gentle and doesn't 'cramp' your tummy like laxatives do.

    Hope this helps.

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm not totally informed about Colon Cleanse's but I do help people with the 24 Day Challenge through AdvoCare and the first ten days is and Herbal Cleanse. It is great for you and doesn't make you sit on the toilet(TMI also.. haha) But it does flush your body of toxins. It's a great source of fiber! It is the first ten days of the 24 day challenge. Let me know if this helped!

    You're adorable!

    That is all.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    This reminds me of the he** of being pregnant and constipated....
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    You should use colon cleanse/stool softeners/laxatives sparingly. Even herbal remedies can create dependency. Unless you have an underlying problem, look at your diet and only use the "helpers" once a week.

    Definitely add fiber and plenty of plain water to your diet. Benefiber (and other brands) make a flavorless, tasteless powder that incorporates into just about anything. I add a couple of teaspoons to yogurt, tea, milk in my cereal...I've even put it in my coffee. Also, I use flavored Benefiber packets to sweeten and flavor plain Greek yogurt.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    At least when you use it, you can officially say you are not full of it ;) lol
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    I don't think it's "cheating" if you use it for its intended purpose, but I wouldn't be surprised if you got those 2 lbs back in a day or two. I imagine most of that is water.
  • Lea3277
    Lea3277 Posts: 1
    Miralax is lifesaver. I think it's the best option for these types of problems and you can take it once cramping or anything like that. Give it a try.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Miralax is lifesaver. I think it's the best option for these types of problems and you can take it once cramping or anything like that. Give it a try.

    The doctor recommended this to us for our son as well... I've heard it's amazing...
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Get a fiber supplement of some kind. Not sure what it is you purchased, but I spent a week in the hospital about 2 years ago with liver issues because of a colon cleanse. I don't recommend it at all. Fiber, Fiber, Fiber is all you need to get you going good.
  • KathleenPub
    KathleenPub Posts: 38 Member
    I have the EXACT same problem and have for years. I eat plenty of fiber and drink plenty of water, I just for some reason have always used the washroom very very infrequently. My daughter has the same problem and she is on miralax and it works great. I would tyr it too but its kinda pricey (I might try it anyway...). I dont think its cheating and I hope you can figure out a long term solution!! I'm still trying lol.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    My doctor has me taking the natural version daily for the fiber mine is mostly psyllium husk and some other mixed in but is not a chemical. It just keeps me regular not really cleansing just regulating.:laugh:
  • rankailie
    rankailie Posts: 144
    My doctor has me taking the natural version daily for the fiber mine is mostly psyllium husk and some other mixed in but is not a chemical. It just keeps me regular not really cleansing just regulating.:laugh:

    When I started over to a whole foods diet I also started taking psyllium husk for primarily IBS. But yes it works great at regulating without urgency. I take the capsules and mix the whole husk into smoothies.
  • toots1985
    toots1985 Posts: 12
    Yes it did. Thanks!