Wedding in 1 year

Hello all,

On August 16th 2018, I am getting married to the most amazing woman I have ever known after proposing to her on the same date last year. I am so excited to marry her and have a family with her.

This has now become my ultimate motivation to lose weight, not just for our wedding day, not just for my fiancé but for me and my health to ensure a happy and long life together.
Since proposing, I have been comfort eating and snacking a lot as I work in customer service which involves sitting down for most the day. I do walk to work and used to go to the gym but I am not going at the moment as the walk is 45 minutes and I usually am tired and don't bother.

My biggest issue with diets is and has always been lack of options as I am fussy, really fussy. My fiancé just laughs at my inability to like most foods. Thankfully I have found at least half a dozen healthy meals that I enjoy as much as anything bad for the diet so if I am able to mix it up every now and then, hopefully I will not be tempted.

I have been on about half a dozen diets since proposing last year and my fiancé has tried to keep me on the straight and narrow but I snack at work so much and am surrounded by take away shops and not even a healthy (ish) one. I am almost the heaviest I have ever been and hate it as a lot of fat seems to go to my chest more than my stomach or anywhere else. (I have cracking legs, I'm told :wink: )

So I have taken a plunge and given my fiancé full permission to be brutal, she has hidden the chocolates she got at end of school year (there are loads of it) No more Pepsi Max :neutral:
I have even given her my bank card so I can in no way buy anything while on lunch or break and only take fruit with me to work. I am taking Skinny Sprinkles to deal with the cravings and so far, they're working as I feel quite full for a long period of time.

I've also had a few health scares, that while they may not be linked to me weight, its been a bit of a wake up call to take care of myself.

My goal is to lose 4 stone in just over a year and be proud of what I look like for the first time in a long time and utilise this website to help, reading others peoples stories is great motivation. Feel free to add as a friend if you wish, always open to chat.




  • Wii_Player
    Wii_Player Posts: 1,244 Member
    I enjoyed reading your story. Best of luck on your journey and congratulations on your engagement!
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited August 2017
    First, congrats on the engagement and upcoming wedding.

    But I hate to say it, but what do you expect will happen when you lose weight and your SO stops hiding the chocolate? Most people will claim "it won't be a problem then," but you don't learn self control. Then you're right back where you started.

    You don't need to cut foods out. Especially if you're fussy. 12 healthy meals for the rest of your life is not sustainable. You need to view this as a lifestyle change, not a diet. So you need to take into consideration how you plan to eat for the rest of your life.

    All you need is a calorie deficit. That means eating what you already eat, just less of it. And although it's not necessarily required, a food scale will allow you to log truthfully and accurately. Even prepackaged foods can be off by 20%, which means consuming calories you didn't even know you were without weighing.

    But most of all, you need to take yourself accountable. Not your fiancé. It shouldn't be her job to refrain you from eating certain foods, even if she's willing. As someone that has had to do this for someone in the past, it gets old real quick.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Skinny sprinkles?! :huh:
  • t4temple88
    t4temple88 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks guys, and you are absolutely right Vaspiqueen. This is a short term and extreme solution. I have a long term plan to look after myself and ensure I do not go backwards in the future.
    I'm at a point in my life where my health matters, so what I put in my mouth also matters and I have been able to eat foods I enjoy but in moderation and enjoy healthier snacks so ensure I do not eat too much bad food.
    No one puts the food in my mouth other than me and I know that, as I say, this is a short term thing just to get me on my way long term.

    Tavistocktoad - Skinny Sprinkles is a water based smoothie that help you feel more full after a meal to avoid snacking. I bought them from Holland and barratt and they are alright in terms of taste, I've never had a smoothie with water before but it has left me with no urge to snack at all so it must be doing something right.
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    If you are a picker eater, I would continue to eat foods that you like.

    Can you give an example of a few meals you have been "cutting" out because of the new diet?