Quit smoking, need motivation lose weight again

I was doing great. Eating healthy meals, daily walking workouts. Hit goal weight decided to FINALLY quit smoking. Gained half the weight back. Need help, suggestions, motivation.


  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    You have got this! Just start somewhere and get back in the habit. What were your habits when you lost the first time? You probably made certain aspects just part of your daily life, pick one that has fallen to the wayside and focus on it for a couple weeks. Exercise is especially motivating and good for cravings. PS AWESOME WORK QUITTING!!!!!!!!!!! That is hard work, if you can quit smoking you definitely have it in you to lose that extra weight, no doubt. I quit 4 years ago, one of the best decisions of my life!
  • gfrischmann
    gfrischmann Posts: 2 Member
    I stopped my daily walks. Past few months taking care of my dad. I lost him in May. No time to walk then started gaining. Thank you for the response, I need to start walking again.
  • chrissymoore06
    chrissymoore06 Posts: 123 Member
    Just try to get your mind in a postive mind set. Say each step I take is one step closer to my goal. I completely understand what loss can do to your spirit. Last year we lost my Father in law a baby and my lil brother all within the same month. I gained 15 pounds during that time and im trying to get my weight down. If you wake up and look in the mirror and say to yourself that you are stronger then what brings you down. Positive thinking brings positive results. You can and will do anything you put your mind to. Good luck. God bless