Newbie in need

I'm in need of some serious help. To reach my ideal weight I need to lose 70lbs!!! I'm active and do dance fitness for an hour 3-4 times a week burning around 700 calories each session. The problem is my diet. I've recently cut out soda and I'm drinking water and brewed green tea. My Dr suggests I lower my carbs and sweets. I need help with better food choices and recipes and a good buddy system is always a plus. Plz feel free to add me.


  • ActiveMinutiae
    ActiveMinutiae Posts: 11 Member
    Youtube is a great resource. You can find anything on there that you want as far as weight loss is concerned. The more research you do, along with experimentaion, the better off you'll be. Also, I think its important to try to let go of rigidity and allow for a learning curve with yourself.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    First off welcome! It's great you are already into exercise as that will give you some extra calories to eat. Now just log everything you eat, get a food scale if you haven't already. Unless you have a medical condition to be concerned about, I recommend you just eating at the calories MFP gives you, eating back half you exercise calories, and not focus on lowering carbs or sweets. You can lose weight just eating less than your body burns.
  • wendyjackson09
    wendyjackson09 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys...must keep in mind to Pace myself and that "Rome wasn't built in just a day" lol. Thanks again
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    Sounds like you could benefit from some new strategies. First things first, it's ok to eat whatever you want, just make sure your total calories are in line with your goal.

    Two strategies that helped me stay on my calorie goal were (and are) protein and intermittent fasting. To be sure, neither of them work by magic, but they both can be real ways of getting to your calorie goals successfully.

    A good number to shoot for for protein is 1 g/lb bodyweight. This is more than you need for health, but it is enough that it really has a decent satiating effect on the rest of your eating habits. Higher protein has helped many many people achieve their calorie goals.

    When I needed to lose the last few lbs I decided to try intermittent fasting. The version I tried was just skipping breakfast and eating all my calories between lunch and bed time. I had black coffee in the morning. I found that after getting used to it, I was not hungry in the morning and it was far easier to hit my calorie goals and the last few lbs came off.

    Just a couple of things that might be useful. Have patience, stick with it, and you'll do fine.
  • christineulmer24
    christineulmer24 Posts: 1 Member
    I lost over 80 pounds doing jenny craig. The idea is portion control so I am not saying it has to be Jenny but the trick is to not deprive yourself. It also is a process. It doesnt happen overnight. You can do it
  • tdaniels54
    tdaniels54 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm happy for you! Down 71 pounds and 4 more to go. I need motivation to stick with it through the last stretch. The last few are the worst. You have my support. Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • wendyjackson09
    wendyjackson09 Posts: 3 Member
    Question. My daily calorie goal is 1620 (something like that). Tonight after working out burning over 1100 calories my remaining calories to eat for today is 1800+. I feel fine and I'm not hungry. Should I be concerned about putting my body into starvation mode and plan to never go to far below my daily calorie goal?I want to lose the weight but I don't want to gain it back. Or should I be concerned more about my macros. Thanks in advance for all your help