anyone try it?

So I am following Karena and Katrina (from on Twitter and on facebook and have signed up for their free Bikini Series workouts but honestly have yet to try them. I am more interested in their diet plans. Has anyone tried them ? I really want to do this whole lifestyle change but find it hard without having good ideas for planned meals and I know that their plan includes about 97 pages (I believe) of different recipes and a sort of standard grocery list. That is sort of the thing I am looking for which is something that is more structured and lined up for me. So if anyone has tried it I would love to know how it has worked for you.


  • blakelyg
    blakelyg Posts: 2 Member
    I bought it and I am seriously in love. It has so many options- I'm never bored and the support is amazing. You should definitely consider purchasing the plan. You won't regret it.