
Im wandering around the site looking for people I can add when it hit me! Why don't I start my own forum?! Haha so this is it, it's open to everyone and there's no specifics, it's just a place to find a buddy to help motivate you through your goals.

So, I'll start.

My name is Kirsten, I'm 16 years old and currently 205ish pounds. My goal weight is 130 pounds and I know I'll have to work hard to get there. I've tried a few unhealthy methods of losing weight at first but now I'm here to lose it the right way. I hope to find some good friends here(:


  • Chel702
    Chel702 Posts: 23
    Welcome to MFP! This is a great place to find motivation and stick with your plans on losing weight. Glad you ditched losing weight the unhealthy way and doing it the right way. Feel free to add me!!
  • Robscofle
    Robscofle Posts: 40
    Hi Nerdgirl94

    I joined MFP 2 weeks now- lost 7lbs so far. I think you'll find that MFP is a great place full of great people all willing to help each other out (especially in times of need). If you "friend" me, 'm happy to give you as much support as I can. Welcome aboard!!
  • edward1973
    edward1973 Posts: 67
    feel free to add me - tried every fad diet imaginable - had sucess with lighterlife (lost 7 stone) but put 3 back on so need to get myself in gear
  • annie4993
    annie4993 Posts: 23 Member

    I'm Anaís, i'm 17, and my goal weight is also 130 pounds. I've been on MFP for about a month now, but i've only started exploring the community part now. I was also hoping to make some friends here, so feel free to 'friend' me if you want to :)
  • LJeffersSW
    LJeffersSW Posts: 26 Member
    I am a newbie too!!! I would love to have the motivation to lose some weight. So often, I feel as though I don't have the will power to resist snacking and eating as unhealthy as I do. After a recent trip to the doctors office to find that I have very high cholesterol for only being 24 years old, I'm ready to make the change for my own life.

    I would love to chat with anyone willing to chat! Please add me if you would like :-)
  • liza27201424
    welcome welcome!
    thats my goal weight too!
    work hard and the pounds will fly off
    add me up, and anybody else on here looking for friends :)