Hate Exercise



  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Why do you "need to exercise more"? THIS is your motivation. Then you just have to work out the time and place and DO it. I can't say I love exercising, except swimming and walking, but I do love the results, so that's what keeps me going.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    Not all exercise is the same.

    I hate some exercise (eg circuits, running, cardio machines) but love others (eg walking, cycling). Try out as many different types of exercise as you can until you find one you love.

    If you love it, it's much easier to make time.
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,844 Member
    Like someone else said...is it exercise you don't like? Or the mind numbing cardio machines at the gym? I try and do a bit of everything and be outside as much as possible. In the winter I x-country ski, snowshoe, and go to the gym. In the summer I canoe, kayak, dragon boat, run, hike, and ride my bike. I also do some yoga and lots of stretching. It's just what I do. Even when I dont want to. Like paying my bills or taking out the garbage. You know, adult stuff. Exercise is kind of the same.
  • mattiefras
    mattiefras Posts: 29 Member
    If you hate it, accept that and move on. No reason to feel guilty for not exercising. You can lose weight without it.

    ^^This is just so wrong!

    All research shows that staying active is essential to good health and to maintaining that health through aging. I work either a 7-4 shift or a 9-6 shift and I MAKE time in the morning because my intent is to be healthy. You will always find time in your day to do what you believe is a priority. I don't enjoy every single workout, but I DO enjoy being done with it! Also, research shows that when you workout in the morning it encourages you to eat more healthily throughout the day. I find that when I get my workouts in, I am much more productive as well. It's a lifestyle choice. If you can choose to be healthy, you can choose to enjoy the process. Find something you enjoy doing and modify your day, activity, lifestyle - whatever! to make it work for you.
  • champagnemoni
    champagnemoni Posts: 4 Member
    Wake up earlier in the morning and make time. I wake up at 6 and get a good 45 min workout in and make it to work on time by 8.
  • candjmunoz
    candjmunoz Posts: 30 Member
    I started on May 6th exercising 10 minutes a day. I made it a goal to never miss a day (because the day I skip is the day I quit). I started with the Simply Fit Board and am now using a hula hoop most of the time. I exercise inside and often when the kids go to bed. On my best days I now exercise an hour or more (10 minutes at a time usually), but on busy days I exercise only 10 minutes. My goal is to not break my streak. It's working. Between that and counting calories, I'm down 32 pounds!

    So many of my excuses go away when I only require 10 minutes. I have exercised in my pajamas, without shoes, without my glasses, without brushing my hair, etc. I don't sweat much if at all. I've also taught my kids that they can wait 10 minutes while I exercise. NOTHING is so urgent that they can't wait that long. We'll ... almost nothing. LOL!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    The more you do it the easier it will become. Exercise is like that. You do have to get started, though. If you are hungry eat a high carb snack first like a piece of fruit - small enough not to sit on your stomach but enough to power you.

    I hate exercise too, and I have a sedentary computer job, so I really need to exercise. I started off by getting up every hour and doing something active for two minutes - running in place, jumping jacks, whatever. And I also do HIIT stationary bike. I absolutely hate it, but the thing is, if you exercise at high intensity it doesn't have to be for very long - 15 minutes, bam, done. And Zumba, three minutes, five minutes, ten minutes at a time. Just do something, anything, for ten minutes. Then when ten minutes gets to be easy, either do something harder for ten minutes, or do the same thing for longer. But start out small - it's easy to make excuses to not work out for an hour, much harder to say you're too tired to get up and do something for ten minutes. You can do it while dinner is on the stove.

    I think Zumba is fun, by the way. I have gotten to the point that I miss it when I don't do it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,529 Member
    Afaye95 wrote: »
    I know that I need to exercise more but I work an 8 to 5 job at the moment and when i get home I'm just hungry and tired so it's hard to find the motivation to do it. Any advice?
    You know how many people at the gym work that same shift ALONG with commuting 1 hour each way?
    While you don't need to exercise to lose weight, it's for health and fitness. Trust me when I say the LONGER you wait to implement it in your life, the less likely it will be part of your lifestyle and the less likely you'll be BETTER at it at an older age. Like anything it has to be IMPORTANT to you to be motivated to do it. If it's not, you won't do it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,529 Member
    mattiefras wrote: »
    If you hate it, accept that and move on. No reason to feel guilty for not exercising. You can lose weight without it.

    ^^This is just so wrong!

    All research shows that staying active is essential to good health and to maintaining that health through aging. I work either a 7-4 shift or a 9-6 shift and I MAKE time in the morning because my intent is to be healthy. You will always find time in your day to do what you believe is a priority. I don't enjoy every single workout, but I DO enjoy being done with it! Also, research shows that when you workout in the morning it encourages you to eat more healthily throughout the day. I find that when I get my workouts in, I am much more productive as well. It's a lifestyle choice. If you can choose to be healthy, you can choose to enjoy the process. Find something you enjoy doing and modify your day, activity, lifestyle - whatever! to make it work for you.
    Research can prove A LOT of things we can be doing to improve our health and life. Did you know that NOT having children is less stressful for couples? Or that a female that knows how to fix her own car saves thousands of dollars? But again, these are CHOICES that one WANTS to do. Research means nothing if it's not relevant to the desire of the person.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • jmondor26045
    jmondor26045 Posts: 1 Member
    I also hate exercising. I work 3:30 to 1am. I was doing it afterwork but I was struggling. I do alot of walking and climbing at night so I am extremely tired. I ended not being able to sleep because of the energy rush I was getting. I have changed to exercising before work. I still cuss at the tv but I get it done. I have found that I have more energy at night while I am working. I am not feeling exhausted at 10 pm.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    Also you can fit little bits of exercise here and there. Sometimes the idea of 'a workout' can seem daunting, but I walk a mile each way to work and a mile and a half in my lunch break. Some of my colleagues go running or cycling at lunchtime. It doesn't always have to be about carving out a solid hour every day.
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    Sounds trite, I know, but I think you just haven't found what you love yet. Experiment with lots of different exercises in different settings. For me, it's trail running and hiking. I love being outdoors; My mind goes quiet. A friend of mine loves to run on the treadmill at the gym-- I hate it. There are so many choices; weight lifting (Yay! Love it!), yoga, Zumba, group or solitary, quiet or loud. Find what you love and *you will* make time for it. In fact, you'll crave it.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I'm 75 years old but two years ago I was discharged from a cardiac unit with the instructions of one hour of exercise a day that meets the CDC requirement of being active. I hate exercise but I do like goals. Since the CDC measures the active minutes as requiring 10 minutes of elevated heart rate in a session, I decided to do walking, etc. in home for convenience. The nearest gym is an hour away. Walking doesn't require an expenditure. This is a record of what I did ending August 5, 2017.


    I need to lose weight but the heart is of primary concern because so many in my family have died of heart attacks. I can tell you that I did not enjoy it starting out but those ten to fifteen minutes can be accomplished, and you will feel better for reaching the goal....and that leads you to doing more later in the day. I'm very heart healthy right now.
  • blackcars7411
    blackcars7411 Posts: 41 Member
    I work 12 he shifts 3 days a week 7a-7p. I get up at 430 and do at least 30 mn of exercise before work. Maybe find something u like doing or walk for at least 30 min when u get home from work
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I have a sign on my bathroom door, I see it as soon as I get up. "What do you hate more, 30lbs of fat or 30 minutes of exercise?". I hate the fat more. It's my daily reminder to get off my butt and go work out.
  • amandaslims
    amandaslims Posts: 4 Member
    I work 8-5 and have a hour commute to work and 1 1/2 hours commute from work due to traffic. I get up at 2:45a and go to the gym till 4:40a. All I have done for the past 11 weeks is walk at a fast pace on the treadmill and eat under 1600 calories. I make sure to get 12,000 steps in a day. In the past 12 weeks I have lost 25lbs. Now I have started to go to the gym after work for 30 mins to start lifting weights. It was hard to get in this routine. Losing weight is not just a physical journey, but a mental and emotional journey too. A co-worker once said to me "by working out in the morning before work, you have less excuses not to go to the gym." He was right, I was just like you, tired from work and when I got home I had no motivation to do anything but eat and sleep. You will find what works for you. Took me a month to really adjust to this routine. Stubborn Determination. Good luck.