Birthday in 2 weeks.

I've been really focused and determined since my Birthday is right around the corner. The thing im worried about is gaining a whole bunch of weight. I do plan to splurge a little, a date with my fiancee, a small round cake to share with friends..making a weekend of it with socializing/food..whatever just feeling worried..just thinking of this as a food vent. What would you do or do you plan to do if you have a birthday coming up?


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    My birthday is coming up too! I will plan extra calories for it, just as I have done for other birthdays I have celebrated since joining MFP (friends and family). I always eat cake, but I make sure it is a reasonable size piece. For friend's birthdays out, I'll usually pick the healthier stuff off of the menu, though not always. For my birthday? I'll eat whatever I want in reasonable portions. That is the key for me: portion size. I can eat a little of the fried appetizer, or a little of the really rich stuff, but I don't stuff myself.
  • nickscutie
    nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
    just had mine, celebrated for the whole weekend with my family. I mostly ate what I wanted and got in a bit of exercise. Life is not ALL about being healthy and eating properly. Birthdays seem like the perfect time to not obsess about food and fitness and just have a good time. Give that to yourself for your birthday.
  • ce_fit
    ce_fit Posts: 299 Member
    I've been really focused and determined since my Birthday is right around the corner. The thing im worried about is gaining a whole bunch of weight. I do plan to splurge a little, a date with my fiancee, a small round cake to share with friends..making a weekend of it with socializing/food..whatever just feeling worried..just thinking of this as a food vent. What would you do or do you plan to do if you have a birthday coming up?

    Well it is very easy to say "eat what you want" but not the best idea. I would say enjoy your day with whatever food is there but do not binge. Have a hamburger without the cheese, have a lite beer, have a small slice of cake, have a small bowl of chips. I think you get my drift ... portion control. Another thing to do is have a good long walk before the festivities begin and burn off a bunch of calories!!! It is your day though and you have earned the right to be guilt free when you have a few to many calories on your birthday. Just make sure you get back on track the next day. Happy early birthday! :-)