A Bacon Cheeseburger - 783 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    Isn't it crazy that before starting to count your calories, you didn't even think about how much something you ate was?!?! Before starting on here I remember getting McDonald's for breakfast, fast food for lunch and then again for dinner - one day I calculated all of what I would eat, I was amazed by how many calories I was eating and not even realizing it. Thank God for MFP. :-)

    Exactly.. now I know if I were to go back say a year and choose any weekend right after I got paid I bet you that in those 2 days I consumed well over 5000 calories. I'm so happy I change my habits.
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    I agree it’s crazy! Now that I know more about calories and how much your body really only needs it really makes you think. Sometimes when I’m having cravings I will hop on MFP and look at how bad it is and that alone can change my mind. Some things are just not worth the extra chubby roll. :) haha
    All I have to say it I love the feeling of being in control and watching my weight drop down. One of the best feelings in the world. :) but a simple little thing like the 783 cal burger isn’t going to do much damage. It would if you ate it daily but one time is not too bad. Don’t let it get you down and set you back.
  • andrea299
    andrea299 Posts: 3
    mac d is a nigtmare, yesterday i had a quick lunch there with my son only to find out when i logged it that the lunch cost me my daily calorie allowance !!!!!!!!!!!!! ......... it was nice though!
  • kylatreymom
    kylatreymom Posts: 10 Member
    I use to have TWO Steak, Egg & Cheese Bagels from McDonald's on the weekends. LORD HAVE MERCY!

    OMG yes!!!! i was craving one of those bc of all the billboards so i stopped to get one. i checked the calories because i couldnt decide between the steak and sausage.. i ended up getting the sausage and only ate half. the steak has about 600-700 calories just for ONE!!!
  • colleen656
    colleen656 Posts: 25
    nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!!:laugh:
  • kylatreymom
    kylatreymom Posts: 10 Member
    nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!!:laugh:

    AMEN TO THAT!! My friend uses the same quote and wrote it on my board at work!!
  • ARighteousWoman
    nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!!:laugh:

    AMEN TO THAT!! My friend uses the same quote and wrote it on my board at work!!

    one day.... woo-hoo!
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    Morans frozen patties come in 96/4 and are really good, only 140-150 calories, can't remember but they really do help those cravings. We are having some tonight in fact.

    Just checked the ol diary - 150 calories and 5g of fat. Not bad at all.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    Nothing beats the Olive Garden experience. I accidentally had over 3000 calories at one meal. I mean, it was my cheat day-but that was excessive by any stretch of the imagination.
  • TanajaP
    TanajaP Posts: 57 Member
    wow. i had a double patty melt last night with 2 kinds of cheese and it wasn't that high in calories. =x and if it was -shrugs- it was delicious and i lost weight. lol

    fat is not the devil so i don't worry about it.

    you know that you're going to work it off so in my opinion that only makes it taste that much better!
  • TanajaP
    TanajaP Posts: 57 Member
    Nothing beats the Olive Garden experience. I accidentally had over 3000 calories at one meal. I mean, it was my cheat day-but that was excessive by any stretch of the imagination.

    i LOVE olive garden. i used to get the FULL plate of chicken scampi with parm on top. i'd eat ALL that plus have about 3 or 4 breadsticks with alredo dip and a salad and most of the time 2 sprites. =x

    chicken scampi has a butt load of calories.. no wonder i had so much cellulite! lol
  • ocnldy
    ocnldy Posts: 123 Member
    If you like mushrooms, try a portabella mushroom burger, your pretty much substituting the patty for a big mushroom, I love them!! Yum!
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    wow. i had a double patty melt last night with 2 kinds of cheese and it wasn't that high in calories. =x and if it was -shrugs- it was delicious and i lost weight. lol

    fat is not the devil so i don't worry about it.

    you know that you're going to work it off so in my opinion that only makes it taste that much better!

    Here here lol I aim for a high fat diet lol
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    I feel your pain, went to Wetherspoons and had a wrap today said in the menu that it was 375Kcals so anyway came and it was southern fried chicken!!!! Not chicken breast so I ate it and then when I logged it at home loads of kcals. Not over the daily amount but feel bad about eating anything else today lol.

    It's always tempting but last time I went to Wetherspoons I ordered a grilled chicken burger. I'd saved up kcals to have some of the chips that came with it... I had stomach cramps all evening. I think it was the greasiness and I could tell as I was eating it that it was going too far for me now. Funny how I can eat a childs grilled chicken Burger King meal occasionally but not a 'healthy' meal at Wetherspoons.
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    Man, I make a killer Turkey Bacon Cheeseburger at home for less than 200 calories! Almost 800 calories for a burger? Does it come with a free difibulator as well? *kitten*, that's ridiculous!

    Hahaha! So true! Maybe it comes with a side of Lipitor to flush your arteries.
  • renku
    renku Posts: 182 Member
    I can't give up Cheeseburgers, I just have to accept the crazy amount of Calories and either eat appropriately around it and make sure I am working out that day.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Am I the only one who think 783 calories for a bacon cheeseburger isn't so bad? I'd eat one if I had the room for it.

    As for Olive Garden, HELL YES. I think I've eaten meals over 4000 calories there on cheat days. :P I love me some Olive Garden.