What is your favorite healthy food?

Hi everyone! So this will be my first full day on MyFitness, I am loving it so far, I have never calorie counted or kept a food diary before so feeling a little out of my depth :)
Anybody got any ideas for foods that are good and fill you up? Most uninspired meal of the day has to be lunchtime!


  • Lyric_Momma
    Lyric_Momma Posts: 44 Member
    I love celery dipped in Buffalo sauce. This is my go to if not a ton of calories left.
    My mornings are almost always eggs and veggies. Sometimes oatmeal with my own added walnuts and brown sugar or cinmamon. I also do a protein shake as a snack almost daily.
    Really my meals are the same almost every day. Dinner is a protein, veggie and sometimes a potato or rice. I eat breakfast later in the day that lunch is more of a snack and at like 2.
    It's about finding what works for you. Make healthier versions of the food you love.
    Feel free to shoot me an add. :)
  • Aeron1991
    Aeron1991 Posts: 7 Member
    HI Lyric_Momma! That's great! I love buffalo sauce too! I will be giving this a go.
    I am always out so early so only get chance for a big breaky on the weekend, but eggs are just darn delicious!
    I have never had a protein shake, can you recommend a brand? :sunglasses:
  • JacintaVE2017
    JacintaVE2017 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi :)
    It doesn't take too long to prepare some breakfast and lunch foods in advance. Then just grab them from the fridge/freezer on your way out the door in the morning.
    Try looking on youtube for some healthy meal-prep ideas.
    Good luck
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I love almost all foods and I believe a healthy diet is varied and balanced.

    I don't buy into the idea of "filling foods" - an appropriate calorie goal and a balanced and varied diet is enough to not starve, and hunger is not an emergency as long as you don't starve, and I think the fear of getting hungry is way exaggerated and contributing to the "obesity epidemic".

    I get inspiration from recipes online and in cookbooks, browsing the produce section in my grocery store, and looking back through my food log. I aim for all meals to be tasty and delicious.

    For lunch I usually have sandwich+milk, or porridge, salad, noodles, omelet, boiled egg, leftovers, smoothie, and always fresh fruit and veg.
  • Aeron1991
    Aeron1991 Posts: 7 Member
    I have found drinking more fluid can fill me up, a lot of the time being hungry is actually your body telling you you are thirsty! I totally get what you mean by a fear of being hungry though, I think it is more I like being full but I don't want to stuff myself out of boredom :') I mean it more like a salad doesn't fill me up but is healthy.
    I really want to buy one of those nutribullets! I love shakes and stuff, those ones you mentioned 1sphere sound delish :) organic chocolate syrup :O oh wow!
  • Eva_M97
    Eva_M97 Posts: 49 Member
    Broccoli!!!! I love it, just steam it (not too long you don't wanna overcook it) and add little bit of butter and salt. It goes excellent with chicken and red meat, haven't tried with fish yet but why not. I cook cauliflower the same way and it's my number 2. These two are definitely not high on calories or carbs or anything actually.

    For the thrist issue I agree water is super important, they say that adding chia seeds to your water helps you stay hydrated longer (which would be good for example when you go exercising) since when they're added to liquid they soak up liquid and bloat. They're also a good extra fiber source if you're doing keto and don't get enough of that.

    So there's a few thoughts :)
  • Venus_88
    Venus_88 Posts: 112 Member
    I often prepare avocado sandwiches for lunchtime. You can vary sauce, bread type, and other ingredients to make it more or less healthy and avocado is very feeling imo
  • LVNF04
    LVNF04 Posts: 2,607 Member
    I like avocado, pineapple, watermelon. (Not all at the same time)
  • Venus_88
    Venus_88 Posts: 112 Member
    LVNF04 wrote: »
    I like avocado, pineapple, watermelon. (Not all at the same time)

    That was a very important precision lol ... though I know couple of really funky smoothie places where they could make that happen.
  • raaachelmarie
    raaachelmarie Posts: 67 Member
    Hey, welcome to MFP! My favorite healthy snack is some sliced bell peppers and a bit of hummus. I like to sprinkle a little garlic powder on the veggies as well.

    Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me!
  • stvmrtn
    stvmrtn Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I am only 5 days in, but one of my favorite snacks that always fills me up is a cucumber. I know, sounds strange, but when they're on sale, they're my go to snack.
  • AyyAnthony
    AyyAnthony Posts: 37 Member
    Black beans
  • cdudley628
    cdudley628 Posts: 547 Member
    I eat green beans about 5 times a week, they're good as a side with pretty much anything.
  • dillydaisys
    dillydaisys Posts: 132 Member
    Avocado and Parmesan cheese, olives, feta cheese and strawberries :)
  • Mark_Joseph
    Mark_Joseph Posts: 101 Member
    Crispy Baked broccoli!
  • BrendalovesJFP
    BrendalovesJFP Posts: 4 Member
    I love kale salads. Put on some avocado and cilantro cream and it is SO GOOD! I also love sautéed spinach and collard greens. Best fruits are kiwis, strawberries, cherries, and mangoes.
  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    Ice cream and chocolate chip cookies.
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    edited August 2017
    milk/any dairy product
  • Aeron1991
    Aeron1991 Posts: 7 Member
    Everyone seems to love the crispy broccoli too! That is on the to eat list ^^ Thanks guys!! Feel free to add me guys! xxx
  • ToriMalt
    ToriMalt Posts: 18 Member
    I can't live without Greek yogurt, organic eggs, pb&j on whole wheat bread, oatmeal, and tons of fruit! It's all simple, easy, quick healthy food that you can eat anytime of the day!