I can't change my eating habits!!



  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    One good advice that I've heard is that when you are starting to think about making changes, don't make changes yet in diet. Just track it all. Track it for a week. Then you can see what you are eating and decide what you need to cut back on. You've got to have a little willpower, too. I haven't lately but I'm starting today (not because it's Monday, mind you!). I need to start tracking my food simply for the reason, besides my constant weight gain, that my husband and I are out of money, just bought some food and need to make it last for two more weeks. I don't eat that much to begin with, but I have a feeling the things I eat are higher in calories, or it's very possible that I'm just not eating enough calories. I don't know. I don't track it. But I will today. And tomorrow, and the next. It's very tedious, I won't lie. But it's important. Good luck to you! I believe in you.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Losing weight is hard. Being overweight is hard.

    Choose your hard. :)

    Oneof my favorite quotes stickied to my computer!
    STLBADGIRL Posts: 1,693 Member
    You have convinced yourself that you can't do it - and because you believe that you continue to eat. If someone said to you, I will give you a million dollars if you do not eat these chips, etc., for a week, you will be able to do it. So it all boils down to what is priority to you.

    Do something different in the time you would eat chips. For instance, go on a brisk walk, meditate, read eat an healthier alternative....etc. etc. etc.

    You can do it, if you believe you can!