Any ladies on 1200 cals



  • theycallmewy
    theycallmewy Posts: 15 Member
    hi do you suggest having a 16/8 diet with 1200 calories? I've done that before but now i'm struggling due to health issues. Can I drink lemon water during fasting?

    If you're struggling why do it?

    I think I just need to do it. Im on night shift. As long as I can drink lemon water during fasting, I know Ill be fine.
  • boulank
    boulank Posts: 51 Member
    MFP gives me 1280 a day I'm in my last 6-9 lbs to lose currently.

    I usually eat 1300-1500 a day because I exercise to some extent daily.

    I meal prep lunches and dinners.

    Breakfast is around 200 cal
    Lunch 400
    Dinner 600
    Snacks 100-400

    I do have a cheat meal once every 3-4 weeks.
  • theycallmewy
    theycallmewy Posts: 15 Member
    boulank wrote: »
    MFP gives me 1280 a day I'm in my last 6-9 lbs to lose currently.

    I usually eat 1300-1500 a day because I exercise to some extent daily.

    I meal prep lunches and dinners.

    Breakfast is around 200 cal
    Lunch 400
    Dinner 600
    Snacks 100-400

    I do have a cheat meal once every 3-4 weeks.

    hi do you eat every 2-3 hours?
  • madameb80
    madameb80 Posts: 18 Member
    Well my first week in doing 1200 cals and lost 5lbs whoohoo. I'm shocked. Looking forward to the week ahead. I know that's a lot to lose in one week I'm hoping it settles down. But woohoo
  • lexington88
    lexington88 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm on 1200, and tend to have a small breakfast and lunch, and a largish dinner. Calorie split is usually 200/400/600.

    I aim to eat back 50-75% of my exercise calories, trying to allow for overestimating my calorie burn (though on the flip side of that, I try to overestimate my calorie intake when I can't measure/weigh). I think I've gone closer to 100% every single week though despite best intentions.

    I don't always eat back all my calories in the same day though. If I can, I bank them and eat them for date night (once a week as my boyfriend works stupidly long hours, so we aim to go for dinner on one of his days off) so I'm not being that person who constantly logs the calories of every single morsel that passes my lips as and when I eat it.

    The most important thing for me personally, is that I don't ever feel overtired or hungry. I know that if I'm feeling constantly peckish, or worn out, then I'm not having enough calories.

    And well done on the 5 lb weight loss! I also lost 5 lb in the first week. It's an awesome feeling, isn't it?
  • stacief82
    stacief82 Posts: 109 Member
    Rough estimate, I split mine up 200/350/650, then exercise calories I eat back in snacks.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    How much weight do you have to lose?
    Do you have MFP set to lose 2 pounds a week? That may be too aggressive unless you really have a lot to lose. Try setting it to 1 pound or a half pound a week and see what happens to your calorie goal. And you should be eating at least a portion of your exercise calories back.

    Not the OP, but I have played with my goals to see what happens -- the difference, for me, between setting a goal of one pound a week and half a pound a week is 40 calories a day. In fact, when I am at 1200 calories, MFP estimates that I will lose .6 pounds per week, so getting a pound a week is no longer within reach for me assuming their algorithms, without adding activity. (I have a desk job, so I select sedentary, but moving up a level adds only 50 calories a day.)

    OP: My goal is 1200 calories a day -- I am a 56 year old woman, just shy of 5'3", 141 pounds, with a goal of reaching 120. I do eat back some of my exercise calories. I log faithfully, (which means, if what many around here say, I am still underestimating a little), and I have lost about 1 pound a week, up to this point.

    So what do I eat? About 400 calories for breakfast (as heavy on protein as I can get, which includes adding soy protein to my fruit/yogurt smoothie), about 400 calories for lunch (usually one or two cheese sticks, an apple or banana, 1 small packet of peanut butter), and about 300 calories for dinner (protein, veggie, fruit, sometimes a grain -- either rice or corn tortilla). The other 100 calories I use for cream/milk in my coffee and/or a mini dark Dove chocolate. I refuse to give up these things since I've already had to give up all the yummy breads (see below).

    If I know I have a lunch or dinner thing, I will skimp on the breakfast calories and bank them for later in the day.

    I sometimes drink back my exercise calories with a Trader Joe's organic hot chocolate or chai before I go to bed. :yum:

    I am Celiac, so I don't eat any wheat, rye, barley, or uncertified GF oats, so my diet is too low on grains, admittedly. I try to be an adult about veg, but as you can see, I'm not very good about making sure I eat the recommended number of servings. Sometimes I'll bring celery, carrots, cherry tomatoes, or a cucumber to work and add that to my lunch. I probably eat too much fat for most people's taste, but I love fruit and fat. I am very meh about meat and double meh about veggies.

    I am not starving. Although I can get a little grumbly before meals, it's nothing horrible.

    I hope this helps for reference/comparison.
  • a_berrisford
    a_berrisford Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on 1200 a day! would really love some friends on here for inspiration & support :) xx
  • Sashslay
    Sashslay Posts: 136 Member
    1200 here!

    Most of my calories are at night however, I like to eat mostly with my boyfriend :)

    I'd love to tell you I have a balanced diet but really I exist on fresh fruit, anchovies, pickled cucumbers and chocolate mousse :) I'm basically eating all the food id love to eat but don't normally, especially the chocolate mousse. I'm like reverse restricting, instead of restricting the food I binge on, I eat it haha
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    madameb80 wrote: »
    Well the calories burned are what my fitbit told me and boy I felt like I burned them. I have 1.5 stone to lose AGAIN. Ideally I would like 2lbs a week as I have a holiday coming up. I get mixed messages as ppl on here have told me not to eat the calories gained from exercise. I've got 400 to have for my late dinner which will take me to 1200 physically eating during the day and I'll eat into a smidge of the extra allocated due to exercise. What do you think? It's all blooming confusing wish I wasn't exercising it's giving me a headache lol

    Anyone who tells you to not eat back any exercise calories doesn't understand how MFP works.

    MFP uses the NEAT method (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), and as such this system is designed for exercise calories to be eaten back.

    However, many consider the burns given by MFP to be inflated and only eat a percentage, such as 50%, back. Others, however, are able to lose weight while eating 100% of their exercise calories.

    My FitBit One is far less generous with calories than the MFP database and I comfortably eat 100% of the calories I earn from it back.
  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    I'm 5'2" and on 1200 calories. It's not much.