Need encouragement...

amyschaefer Posts: 80
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
I am completely frustrated. 7 years ago I was fit and thin and then I got pregnant with my first son and had three boys in under 4 years. My youngest is now coming up on 2 1/2 and I am hoping to finally lose all this baby weight. I held on to 5 lbs after each pregnancy and then gained 5 more when I stopped nursing. I have tried to get into an exercise routine many times but it hasn't stuck because it is hard with three little there is lots of yummy food in the house and I am constantly getting them meals/snacks and it is very easy to take a little taste each time. So, I finally had enough and have been getting up at 6 am to run 6 days a week before they wake up. I am now running 3 - 3.5 miles and walking another half mile a day 6 days a week. I have also been doing the 30 day shred for 8 days and started level 2 today. Before the 30 day shred I was doing other workout videos every day. So, for 4 weeks I have been doing videos and getting back into running 6 days a week plus I went from eating whatever whenever I wanted to watching my calories and cutting out the junk I was snacking on. I am so tired from getting up early even though I am now going to bed earlier and I am hungry ALL THE TIME but I have only lost 1 freakin pound! I know others have complained about this too and that I am probably gaining muscle but my measurements are also still the same and my clothes fit the same. I do see my legs have a little more shape and I can feel more muscle under the fat but I need to see those numbers go down so I don't feel so helpless. I want my body back and I am trying hard but not seeing the reward. How long should I expect to build muscle before I see the numbers on the scale go down? Disclaimer - If you look at my diary you will see that I drink a Dr Pepper with lunch. I know, I know...I am going to drink my last two and not buy anymore. It is only a can a day and I don't even drink the whole thing and I can't imagine that is what is keeping the weight on when I am making so many other changes. Blah, I told myself I wasn't going to get frustrated and write about this but I found myself on the floor in tears after that crazy level 2 30 day shred. That kicked my butt. Oh, I am 39 years old, I am just under 5'11" and weigh 164. My goal weight in 145 because that is what I was when I got pregnant the first time and it is not too small for my height...and I saved all those clothes I want to wear again. Thanks for reading. :)


  • donnaeve8
    donnaeve8 Posts: 113 Member
    I can't view your diary (do you have it on "private"?) but I suspect that you are not eating enough to fuel your body with all the exercising you are doing. Make sure you are eating back at least some of your exercise calories if not all of them.

    Good luck!

  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Make sure you get rest!! That is a big problem if you don't allow yourself time for sleep and rest. Maybe take another day off in between, or do something lower impact like just walking or yoga. If youre hungry all the time make sure you eat, but fill those calories with things that count protein and such. Good luck keep us posted. don't stress either. Either way you are doing better by being healthy.
  • My settings says that mfp members can see my diary so I am not sure what I need to do for others to see it. Anyway, I have to enter my running as a 12 minute mile even though I run a 15 minute mile so it claims I burned more calories than I actually did. I do eat under my calories everyday but not by much.
  • susioryan
    susioryan Posts: 180
    Measure yourself. It makes you happier. The scale is a nasty *****. Tape measures are much nicer. Breath- it will come my friend.
  • if your hungry all the time, this won't work for you. You Need to fill satiated. I pig out on things like grapes and watermelon, they make me feel full, plus they are sweet so that craving is met. You should be doing lifestyle changes not burning yourself out. Running at 6am, then not feeding yourself enough is putting you into starvation mode and the body tries to hold on to every ounce,thinking it may not be getting enough fuel. Stop running for a week, stop the soda pop, get extra water in, (which really helps you feel full) and then try running twice a week with weight training three times a week and see if you don't just melt off the extra pounds. give it two weeks and get back to me.
  • I feel your pain! I lost 36pounds a few years ago but since having my second baby and quitting smoking it's just piled back on :cry:
    I'm working my butt off and am only losing & gaining the same few pounds! I'm just hoping it's muscle weight!! Determined to keep going, it's gonna have to work eventually?! :tongue:

    Good Luck to you ~ keep up the good work, it will pay off :happy:
  • 602870
    602870 Posts: 2
    Hi, Amy

    I totally agree with Donna. I walk almost every day and have recently added a little weights. People have told me that if I don't eat enough calories then your body will think it is in starvation mode. Find out how many calories you are supposed to have then try to eat just a little bit under that. Example if your are supposed to 1500 cal the least I would eat will be between 1200 and 1300 anything under that I think will backfire. I know about that schedule I'm working out religiously, but I think muscle is showing up. I'm going to keep going and not give up. Remember the weight did not come on over night and it will come off. Slowly by surely!!

    602870 Be Encourage:smile:
  • I will only be able to run in the morning for two more weeks because we are going on vacation and then my son will be going back to school and I will have to be home to get him ready then the other two will be up. I'll only be running on weekends then and doing the 30 shred during the week. Is that going to be enough exercise?
  • Wish I new what to say to make those pounds drop off. You are working so hard to getting the weight to come off and I don't think that Dr. Pepper could be the main reason.

    All I can say is you are worth the effort. Your kids are seeing the good habits of exercising and eating good. The pounds may be stubborn but eventually they will lose and YOU WILL WIN!!

    Don't give up. You are doing so well.
  • jamesysmom
    jamesysmom Posts: 38
    I know that for me that my body goes into a shock and it tries to hold on to every thing after about a month it decides to let go or at least it did last time I tried . This time im slowlly introducing my changes like one a day or one a week depending on the change that way I hope to see a steady loss . But keep your head up I also have all the baby weight of three kids and then some and my oldest is almost 17 and the baby is almost 9 and I have the divorce weight , you know after the shock and once you move on you gain back yea thats me . If you want add me as a friend and we can do this together
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