Stronger, Better, Faster....Feb 5th

Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Good morning!!!

So yesterday was going well until I felt so run down I needed a nap. After my nap it took me about an hour to feel human again so I ended up not going to the gym because I had to finish my test. No biggie I could stay within my calories.

Ok that was until I CRAVED something sweet. It's that time so I decided one little sweet treat. I took a couple cookies (5 were 140 calories) and a thing of vanilla snack pudding and crumbed the cookies and mixed! It was so good!!!!!!!!! However I ended up doing that twice :grumble: I cut some calories out of dinner but still went over by 200 :frown:

Oh well, life goes on! Today I don't have any homework that can't be put off til this weekend so there is no excuse to not workout! (Although I'm still going to get some of it done)

I need to:
Hit the gym HARD!
Clean the house (at least the downstairs)
DRINK THE WATER!!! - that's so hard when its cold but it should be in the 60's today so it's more doable.


  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    Good morning!!!

    So yesterday was going well until I felt so run down I needed a nap. After my nap it took me about an hour to feel human again so I ended up not going to the gym because I had to finish my test. No biggie I could stay within my calories.

    Ok that was until I CRAVED something sweet. It's that time so I decided one little sweet treat. I took a couple cookies (5 were 140 calories) and a thing of vanilla snack pudding and crumbed the cookies and mixed! It was so good!!!!!!!!! However I ended up doing that twice :grumble: I cut some calories out of dinner but still went over by 200 :frown:

    Oh well, life goes on! Today I don't have any homework that can't be put off til this weekend so there is no excuse to not workout! (Although I'm still going to get some of it done)

    I need to:
    Hit the gym HARD!
    Clean the house (at least the downstairs)
    DRINK THE WATER!!! - that's so hard when its cold but it should be in the 60's today so it's more doable.
  • :happy: I had a bad day yesterday as well. I had my calories planned out for the day and needed to add in how many calories my spaghetti was going to hit me (first time making my homemade spaghetti while counting calories). While at work the snackies hit. I had stashed two servings of goldfish in my desk for Monday. Forgot to take them with me after school. Each 140 calories. sooo total of 280 while waiting for lunch. At lunch I had a NEED for a small soft pretzel. Yummy, and then I had a mini twix. I ate all my calories before even leaving work. I was able to work out thankfully and redeem most of the calories for dinner but I still went over. I just kept reminding myself one bad day won't kill me. Today will be much better.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Quick post here. I can't wait till things settle down enough for me to get back on some kind of schedule! I think I am doing okay. I am not "craving" sweets that much anymore, though when I think about them, they sure sound good! At this point I'm not even sure if I will have a piece of cake on Saturday! I imagine I will since I still have no control when it is right in front of me! We'll see. I think I will feel guilty if I eat it though.
    I didn't feel up to doing push ups or sit ups yesterday. I will try to do at least the push ups today. Other than that it's more cleaning on my son's room. And I need to put primer on the last four drawers today. It is my desire to get them done this weekend, so I can put all the stuff away!
    I also need to go see my neighbor who is in a nursing home. She became very ill a few weeks ago and I haven't gone to see her yet. I don't like going to homes, but I know she wants to see us. I am going to try to do that this afternoon.
    I am going to get some painting done before Alex wakes up and we have breakfast. Have a good day!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    MM - Go see her. No one likes nursing homes - especially the residents.

    So I realized something funny the other day. You know when you realize that you are the "one" of you group of friends - the tall one, the skinny one, the one everyone goes to for help, etc? I am the crazy fitness one. Only my father and some people in my book club exercise more than I do.

    Yesterday - walk, yoga, weights. Today - bike ride!

    Unfortunately, I also have to go to the dentist, clean the house, and do my "old person" visit. I go to a group home almost every week to visit a woman with dementia. When I started going (almost 2 years ago), I didn't mind it so much, but the situation has changed greatly, and it has become a chore. At this point I feel the woman has grown used to my visits and I cannot, with good conscious, stop. I'm just whining. It's an hour a week - big deal. I wish I could change my attitude about it though.

    Enough rambling - happy workouts y'all!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I don't know if I mentioned this article before, but when I saw the chocolate cake at the top of the article, I thought, "yum, chocolate cake," and started salivating.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Well, Dang it. . .I'm sick.

    I have what I thought was a cold yesterday, but overnight it emerged from its cocoon and is now a glorious flu butterfly, complete with fever. (That would explain the soreness yesterday. . .not from yoga. . .but from sick.)

    So, I just drank some thera-flu and it looks like I'll have to wait another week before going back to spinning as now I'm going back to bed.

    Work out extra for me, ladies.:wink:
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    V - I hope you get to feeling better soon! :flowerforyou:

    OMG! I am so freaking thrilled right now!!!!!!!! We got our tax return today and bought a very nice tv with it! Now I can actually see the freaking people on my workout dvd's :laugh:
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Hi all,

    Sorry to hear you are sick V, hope you feel better soon. Yea for Renae, I have to pay in this year. First year with out a child to claim. Oh well, I'll get used to it. Mary good for you working out! All I managed today was a 10 minute brisk walk in -4 weather. MM I just have to say I love the positive vibes you are sending out! I don't like nursing homes either. Bit I would go too. Got on the scale today and it read 180. I feel depressed, I haven't been doing my exercises like I used to but I find I am really tired lately and I don't know why. I will try to do better tomorrow. I at least ate healthy today. See you tomorrow.
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