Newly Vegan, New To Fitness

Hello everyone! My name is Stephanie and I just started my journey on Monday. I know I probably should have weaned myself off but after watching "What The Health" on Netflix, my husband and I decided it's time to make a change. We are following a fully plant based diet (veggies, fruits, beans, brown rice, seeds, etc.) and have been off to a great start, aside form a few headaches here and there. We are both very out of shape and are in relatively good health, for the most part but I'm excited to live a healthier life. If you have any advice, I would greatly appreciate it! I'm still researching ratios for this diet. I find myself at a ratio of 50% carbs, 35% fat and roughly 15% protein and I'm not sure if that is where it should be. Thank you in advance for any advice!


  • CLKrenzke
    CLKrenzke Posts: 51 Member
    I just watched that documentary as well and am trying a vegan diet temporarily. They said in the documentary that it only takes 2 weeks on a plant base diet to feel/see a difference. I am trying 2 weeks minimum and if things go well I am sticking to a vegan diet. I may have the occasional sushi though. But anyways, that's the ratio I set for myself as well. The 50, 35 and 15.

    Please add/message me, I'd love to discuss the vegan diet further with you :)
  • Sar_Sassy
    Sar_Sassy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! Good for both of you for choosing a healthier, cruelty-free diet! You will probably feel much better. I transitioned to vegan about 3-4 years ago and like anything, it takes some getting used to! EVEN after being a vegetarian for almost 20 years. I don't like to give unsolicited advice, but since it was a direct request, my first suggestion is to stick with it. It may be tough, you may fall off the wagon, but jump back on again. Don't give up. Giving yourself a deadline is perhaps not the best way to go about it. You have been eating a certain way your whole life, expecting drastic changes in a short amount of time is not very realistic and will most likely lead to disappointment. (Just like any diet or weightloss, right?)

    Second, even though it's "vegan", of you are like me and have a sweet tooth or love bread, it's so easy to go there. I find when I do look at myfitnesspal and I log, it helps me stay on track, make sure I'm getting enough veggies, fruit, healthy carbs and protein. I find it a little difficult to curb the fats, but they are healthy fats and keep me satiated and feeling good, (things like nuts and avocados, olive oil) I try to opt for healthy over fat counting.

    If you ever have any questions, just reach out!
    S :smiley: