new member... sort of

Hi All,

I'm a 39 year old man and have been using this site for about 3 weeks now and since it looks like I'm going to be staying I thought I'd drop a quick hello. I started this weight loss journey about 19 months ago at 280lbs and am currently down to 233lbs (currently aiming for 200). I go to the gym 5 days a week (and have since I started trying to lose weight) but stopped losing about 5 months ago. Since I started using this site the weight has started dropping off again (8 lbs so far). It simply amazes me just how much we, as north americans, overeat. Tracking consumption seems to be the key when everything you buy can feed a family of four but is sold for one!! This site is amazing and I've really enjoyed reading a lot of your comments and stories. I hope to hear (and learn) more in the future....
