Looking for Keto friends

Hello. First week in. Need some
Accountability pls add me. 25 to lose down 2


  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
  • fey2017
    fey2017 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi just started as well.
    JMLSZ Posts: 65 Member
    Me too! I've done it before and am just starting again. My initial goal is to lose 9 kg in 3 months. Let's team up!
  • klenz525
    klenz525 Posts: 39 Member
    I am also looking for keto friends if anyone wants to add me! I've been doing it for three weeks now and I love it so far. Let's share recipes :)
  • Smcwheatley
    Smcwheatley Posts: 2 Member
    I am about 6 weeks in and enjoying it!
  • drgnfyre
    drgnfyre Posts: 45 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • blbinek1
    blbinek1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi guys, I haven't quite worked out how to add. I'm 51. Starting today. Currently suffering depression due to work issues. I have gained heaps of weight since I became depressed 6 months ago. I've been using food as a crutch. I was already voluptuous, seriously don't need the extra weight. It needs to go to get my confidence back. Need to lose 50lb. Please add me, I need the support and accountability.
  • njwenderski
    njwenderski Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm a bit different. I'm starting the ketogenic diet in combination with my strict migraine prevention diet for health reasons (I've had a migraine all day everyday for the past 3 years) to say it sucks is probably the understatement of the year! So I'm into keto for the health benefits, not so much the weight loss. But I'd love some keto friends and I'd love to encourage you all on your paths as well!
  • EVzla3
    EVzla3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I’ve heard so many good things about Keto and I would also like to start. Help!
  • Kish1971
    Kish1971 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a question on this topic...I've not found a way on this app to track NET carbs, only total carbs. Does someone here have a suggestion for this?
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    edited August 2017
    Kish1971 wrote: »
    I have a question on this topic...I've not found a way on this app to track NET carbs, only total carbs. Does someone here have a suggestion for this?

    You cant unless you add an extension or something (not sure of technical name). But a quick Carb - Fiber does the trick and is easy peasy. That is what I do anyway and haven't ran into any issues.

    Good Luck

    Edited to say: You can also search for NET CARBS for specific foods. IE: Strawberries, net carbs. and then should have the calculation figured for you. Though I would still caution to double check as they are user entered.
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm a bit different. I'm starting the ketogenic diet in combination with my strict migraine prevention diet for health reasons (I've had a migraine all day everyday for the past 3 years) to say it sucks is probably the understatement of the year! So I'm into keto for the health benefits, not so much the weight loss. But I'd love some keto friends and I'd love to encourage you all on your paths as well!

    Ive been doing keto since Last October, to being very transparent, I just kind of quit for the last 4 months. No excuses, I just did. Anyway, the reason I am responding is because I too am following Keto for Migraine Relief (and some weight loss). I am only back on the ol' Keto wagon 2 weeks, but even in that time frame has helped. When I was going strong I had maybe 2 max migraines monthly, it changed my world from that perspective.

    good Luck, I hope keto helps as much as it has/does help me. :)
  • Zonian1154
    Zonian1154 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been doing keto for about 3 weeks. I gained about 50 lbs due to an antidepressant that I am now trying to get off of. I REFUSE to buy bigger clothes (except a few emergency purchases at Goodwill)! ;-)

    At any rate, I also have had a really bad sinus infection for abut 10 days, which adds to the challenge. I'd love to be accountable, and help others as well.
  • Torsten714
    Torsten714 Posts: 51 Member
    Can always use more keto friends!
  • Fitwithit80
    Fitwithit80 Posts: 499 Member
    Im trying to do keto as well, any advise or motivation would be awesome
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Hello and welcome! I suggest you check out the main low carber daily forum group here in MFP. It's where most of us ketophiles tend to hang out:
