We are "Family" - Support

This group is for everyone who is "Family" - let's support each other in our weight loss, health, and fitness goals!

Post a short blurb about you - location, age, what brought you here, how much you wanna lose, etc.

We have another thread called "Rainbow Warriors", so you can search the forums for that. But, I thought I'd keep using euphemisms so that people can find us.



  • DawnLosing
    DawnLosing Posts: 87
    I am Dawn, currently living in Huntsville, AL. Just moved "home" from Chicago, IL. I have decided that it is time for me to choose my food for fuel instead of my emotions choosing my food for love. I WILL lose 100 pounds and WILL run a 5k!
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    You can do it, Dawn!
  • crnbhr
    crnbhr Posts: 17 Member
    Dawn, that 5k is closer than you think! Go for it! :)
  • DawnLosing
    DawnLosing Posts: 87
    Thank you both for the encouragement, it helps, it really does!!!
  • Cadenpet
    Cadenpet Posts: 79
    Hey I'm Alexa. I live in Birmingham, Alabama. I'm 27. Getting closer and closer to 30... Anyway. I have about 13 lbs left to lose. And brought here because family and friends were doing well on it and I had stalled out at the same weight for a year and a half after losing 30 lbs. Reason for weight loss is I love clothes and well I don't want to be the fat girl in my pharmacy school.
  • BProudOfU
    BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
    Hi...love the new names for support groups. I am family and a rainbow warrior! :happy:
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    Welcome everyone! And, yes, it's fun coming up with all these funny ways of naming our community, since we don't want to get banned...
  • CirrusMoth
    CirrusMoth Posts: 35
    Hi, I'm Bree. I'm 29 years old and live in Oswego, NY. My wife went on a fitness kick after losing some weight due to stomach issues and stumbled across this site. After a few months of gentle prodding, I got on board as well.

    My goal right now is to get down to 140 lbs (10 lbs lower than I've ever managed)...so I have 45 lbs to go. After that, I will re-examine where I am at and decide if I should lose more or build muscle. My ideal based on the charts is between 120-130 for my height, but to me it's more important to get my fat% down to the healthy range.
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    My goal right now is to get down to 140 lbs (10 lbs lower than I've ever managed)...so I have 45 lbs to go. After that, I will re-examine where I am at and decide if I should lose more or build muscle. My ideal based on the charts is between 120-130 for my height, but to me it's more important to get my fat% down to the healthy range.

    Welcome, Bree! Sounds like a good goal - and, totally doable! I think we all set initial goals and then reassess. Originally I just wanted to lose 50 pounds, but once I got here I realized I can definitely do more!
  • "Family" checking in!

    Im 36, I am from San Diego, CA. I have decided enough is enough. Im tired of feeling unhealthy, not to mention the complete inability to look cute in clothes any more! lol

    I have 125lbs to lose, have lost 18 so far! =)

    *off to look for the warriors!*
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    I have 125lbs to lose, have lost 18 so far! =)

    Hey - that means you''re almost to 20% of your goal. Keep it up and good job!!
  • Thanks Cj! The 18lbs is without exercise. Today I get new shoes (dont have any walking/running shoes that fit lol) and an HRM. I will be excited to see just what my body can do now!
  • Cadenpet
    Cadenpet Posts: 79
    Just hoping everyone is staying strong over the weekend! Hope the sun is shining and your pants are getting to big for you. :)
  • Cadenpet
    Cadenpet Posts: 79
    Just hoping everyone is staying strong over the weekend! Hope the sun is shining and your pants are getting to big for you. :)
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
  • olivedrab
    olivedrab Posts: 85 Member
    I just happened to see this thread--thanks for starting it!

    I've only been on MFP for a few weeks, but am finding it super helpful so far. I don't really do the "diets" thing, but am committed to being as healthy as possible while still celebrating food (and drink). I've been using MFP to get a better sense of how my food and exercise ratios line up, and that knowledge is definitely keeping me on track. I've lost about 3.5 pounds, and am aiming to lose a total of around 20. Getting fit feels harder in my 30s than it did in my 20s.

    My partner and I began running last fall, using the couch-to-5k program. Now we're working on 10ks. I'm on the West coast, which means I've been spared the scary heat wave affecting just about everyone else, but sometimes it's still hard to get myself out for a run...
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    Welcome, Olivedrab! And up to 10k's? That's awesome!
  • Cadenpet
    Cadenpet Posts: 79