Wheelchair bound trying to lose weight

Hello, I'm 42 yr old mother of 4 with Cerebral Palsy. I'm in a wheelchair and have gained lots of weight. Im trying to become healthier and increase my mobility. I have 125 lbs to lose. I'm looking for friends that are on this journey as well.


  • artbyrachelh
    artbyrachelh Posts: 338 Member
    Many wishes of success for you!!!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    You can do it! My Dad was in an accident at age 60 an became paraplegic, so wheelchair bound. Maintaining his weight was important for ease of transferring and so many other things. He did really well but would overeat for a while (especially in the winter) and get too heavy (mostly in his belly) and was always able to lose the excess by cutting calories. He didn't have the luxury of MFP but he certainly had an idea of what/how much he ate before and just cut back on his intake. He cut out things like his nightly bowl of ice cream. He quite eating so darn many peanuts by the handful and just generally cut back. 1 egg instead of 2. A smaller amount of mashed potatoes and gravy. You get the idea. Cutting snacks was the big push.

    He also made it a point to use his regular wheelchair rather than his electric wheelchair when he was able which was most of the time. It was his form of exercise. That said, he did have the luxury of not having 4 children to tend to so was able to go at a slower pace on his regular chair.

    Best of luck to you!
  • oceanbreezemfp
    oceanbreezemfp Posts: 10 Member
    Would love to be friends I also have a lot to lose.
  • kswan12788
    kswan12788 Posts: 6 Member
    jaramajo1 wrote: »
    Hello, I'm 42 yr old mother of 4 with Cerebral Palsy. I'm in a wheelchair and have gained lots of weight. Im trying to become healthier and increase my mobility. I have 125 lbs to lose. I'm looking for friends that are on this journey as well.

    I am also the mother of 4, in a wheelchair because of Chiari. My weight has shot up just in the last year. I lost 40 pounds, was doing really great and then just have up. I've now gained back the weight I lost and am starting over. I have to keep my calorie count right at 1000. Any higher and I gain, any lower and I don't lose anything. It's so frustrating.
  • kswan12788
    kswan12788 Posts: 6 Member
    Im really teying to find help on how best to fuel that 1000 calories to get the maximum nutrition i can out of it.