How long did it take for you to notice a difference in your body?



  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    If I have a lot of weight to lose, it takes more to notice. And as I get to goal each lb can make a difference. Up to a point though.. right now I am down to the wire and I don't see a difference unless I compare photos side by side.
  • RunStart34
    RunStart34 Posts: 157 Member
    I am 5'3 and started at 186. Currently at 168. I would have to say that people started to noticed when i lost about 15 pounds or around the 8 week mark of my diet and exercise. But just like the people before me mentioned a few more pounds lost and so many more were commenting about my weight loss and how I looked great. Gives a boost to the ego and makes you keep going!!
  • clayelliott847
    clayelliott847 Posts: 125 Member
    It took a about month and 14 lbs. Then I noticed I needed a belt to keep all my pants up. I have some shorts that stay up ok, until I try to carry wallet, keys and phone. Without the belt, I will be showing my underwear like a gangsta.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    I could see and feel the difference after just a few days, but it was over 3 weeks before the scale saw it.
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    It takes me about three weeks to notice changes, it's more noticeable in pictures so I started taking pics once a month.
  • JadeQuetzal
    JadeQuetzal Posts: 95 Member
    At about 12 pounds (about 2 weeks ago).
    I can easily slide a ring on and off that was comfortably snug months prior.
    The sleeves on some of my smaller tshirts no longer feel so tight.
    My upper legs look a little smaller to me.
    The gap in my bra is growing (sigh).
    If I catch myself walking by the mirror, I like my shape more now.
    My... under chin... neck? doesn't annoy me as much now.

    The difference I haven't seen yet is the difference I want to make the most (shrink how much tummy I can grab). But I have 9 more pounds to grab, and with my luck that will be the last to go, lol.

    Mind you I also have medical issues. I have seen differences there too, mostly in my energy levels. I have more "good days" now. So that's a really big deal for me.
  • JadeQuetzal
    JadeQuetzal Posts: 95 Member
    Mind you a couple of those changes are undesired... :|
  • lorbor93
    lorbor93 Posts: 39 Member
    It depends how much you have to lose. Someone who has 100+ lbs to lose will need to lose a higher amount of weight before anyone notices (maybe up to 20). I'm guessing once you lose 10 lbs people close to you will start to notice.

    Also, if you are a new lifter, you will likely gain muscle faster than an intermediate/experienced lifter so that may mess with the numbers on the scale.

    Go by how you feel and how your clothes fit, don't get obsessive over the scale. and DO NOT weight yourself before you

    Good job on starting your new journey!
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    I didn't really notice until I went back to work today after a long medical leave. When even your smaller pair of pants are a bit too big...
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    People noticed my weight loss pretty quickly (within 10lbs I think). But I also tend to lose weight in the face first. The double chin vanished quasi overnight and the chipmunk cheeks took a hike one day and never bothered to cone back (not complaining).

    I started to notice it on myself after about 25lbs (kept on losing my pants) but I was blind to many of the changes until I saw side by side pictures.

    Note: I started with over 100lbs to lose. I'm 2/3 of the way to my goal and curious about how my body will continue to change and whether I will notice those changes in the mirror (experience tells me probably not)