Anyone here with large weight loss goals who are not post bariatric surgery?

I commend anyone trying to change what makes them unhappy and unhealthy, regardless of the means they go about it. I am on a long relentless battle to get to my goal weight and stay there. Looking for other people with similar situation and goals to be friends with and share advice, goals, setbacks, and successes.


  • Angied725
    Angied725 Posts: 38 Member
    pkweier wrote: »
    I have lost 168 pounds since Jan 2016 with CICO and walking anywhere from 12000-16000 steps a day. I have reached my goal weight then I moved my goal another 5 to 10 pounds to lose. I am 59 and 5'5 started at 330 now 162.

    Wow! That's incredible! Congratulations on your success. What does CICO mean?
  • RA60172
    RA60172 Posts: 137 Member
    5'5", started at 230# Jan 1st 2016. CW 169#, GW 140# (but considering an UGW of 125#). CICO is the way to go. I weigh my food with a digital scale and track calories burned with a Garmin vivosmart hr.
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    Getting to my main goal will be a loss of 115. If I go lower, the lowest I'd expect would work for my height/build would be about 160, for a total loss of 135.
  • HarlemNY17
    HarlemNY17 Posts: 135 Member
    I started at 280 . I'm now at 245 . Im very solid so my mother always tell me how skinny I look and I shouldn't lose much weight and I know a lot of ppl have those issues at home also so don't let your family members or friends discourage you ! Stay focused and know that you have to do this for YOU .My goal is to get to 219 (normal bmi) then my ultimate goal is 200. I wish everyone luck ! It's not easy but It's worth it
  • Angied725
    Angied725 Posts: 38 Member
    LOL! Duh! That makes a lot of sense! :D
    Feeling like a dumbo now! :D:D:D

    Thanks for all the feedback, looks like there are a lot of success stories here, as well as people similar to myself still embarking on their weight loss journey.

    Today was the strongest I've felt in a long time. I didn't exercise today, so it wasn't because of accomplishment in that department, but because of my intake.

    I was the closest to my goals today that I have ever been so far since using this App!

    I'm trying to keep carbs low, and fat and protein high while staying within my calories for my BMR.

    I set my values quite considerably, with 20% carbs, 45% fat, and 35% protein.

    I only took in 6% carbs today with 66% fat, and 28% protein!

    Being able to see the calories in and calories burnt as well as macros has been such a help....I've only been on this app for a couple weeks or so.

    However, it has already started to restore my faith in myself to be able to get through this friggen plateau which is truly a blessing in itself!

  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I've lost 62 of 90 or 100 pounds just ensuring that my intake is lower than my output. I am currently smaller than I was in high school - I'm visiting friends I haven't seen since high school and they keep commenting on my weight loss without knowing how big I got. I've been overweight or obese since I was about 7 years old.
  • yurika975
    yurika975 Posts: 71 Member
    I aim to lose 100 lbs. I have lost about 9. No surgery. I am inspired by those who have lost it through CICO. Though I do not fault those who choose surgery. For those who count steps are you using an app or fitbit?
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    I lost 100 pounds over the last year and a half, but a lot of that was water weight. Still it was pulled off over time using strong diuretics and not surgery, so I guess it counts? I have to admit I feel a whole lot better after all that weight was removed, which drives me to get my weight lower and feel even better.

    The only downside so far is now I tend to have low blood pressure instead of high blood pressure.
  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    Angied725 wrote: »
    I'm trying to keep carbs low, and fat and protein high while staying within my calories for my BMR.

    I set my values quite considerably, with 20% carbs, 45% fat, and 35% protein.

    I only took in 6% carbs today with 66% fat, and 28% protein!

    You may be making this too hard by worrying so much about macros. Really, the only thing that matters for weight loss is how many calories you are eating. If you consume fewer calories than you expend you WILL lose weight. That's really all there is to it.

    Eating a well balanced diet is a good way to gain health but it will not cause weight loss. Cutting out carbs may help some people better control their eating but it will not cause weight loss. Exercise helps with a variety of health issues but if you eat all the calories back it will not cause weight loss. Drinking water will not cause weight loss. Eating "clean" or "paleo" or OMAD (one meal a day) or intermittent fasting will not, on their own, cause weight loss. The only thing that works for long term, consistent weight loss is eating fewer calories than you expend.


    Weight loss is about hitting the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals, everything else is a background noise :)
  • lost4words_ox
    lost4words_ox Posts: 23 Member
    CI/CO. Food scale for accuracy. Mic drop.

    What app is that?
  • scarlett_k
    scarlett_k Posts: 812 Member
    I've lost 11.8 kg so far (3 months in) and I have 42 kg to go. Haven't been doing anything special apart from paying more attention to what I eat an how much, logging everything honestly even on bad days, and trying to walk more with my dog. I've been resting from injury the past few weeks but tweaked my calories so I an still losing even without an hour of walking a day.