Burn 900 calories on 94minutes eliptical



  • bendyourkneekatie
    bendyourkneekatie Posts: 696 Member
    I do this regularly. I'll be doing 99 minutes (the highest it'll go) at the gym this morning. I do 'rolling hills' on 'level 13', listen to podcasts, and allegedly burn about 1400 calories. I'm a distance runner whose prone to injury with too much impact work, so I use the elliptical to give my body a break from impact while still training to an extent. Like, I ran 14km yesterday, elliptical today, 36km run tomorrow, elliptical Monday, rest Tuesday, run 16km Wednesday, elliptical and short treadmill run Thursday, etc.
    And yes, my feet get sore, because it's basically like standing in place for an hour and a half. Gotta remember to wiggle toes and move feet around occasionally.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I don't know that I would want to do 90 min on the elliptical but the calorie management sounds like it is within recommended guidelines. The pain in the feet may be cause for concern. Injury from repetitive motion shouldn't be trifled with. Perhaps scale back on the elliptical and find some other form of cardio that uses different muscles for additional calorie burn.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    The calorie burn will vary from individual to individual depending on the person's weight and the intensity of their workout. For many people, the machine counts overestimate and for some, like myself, the counts are actually below. It is not a precise science. I am one of those who does burn between 500-600 calories per hour during certain activities, including the elliptical, running, cycling and boxing fitness classes. This is partly or largely due to my having COPD I imagine because I have to breathe so much harder to power my muscles. I worked this out years ago because I lost weight when I followed the counts that mfp/machines gave me, but once I started wearing a chest strap based hrm and using those values, it leveled out.

    I would suggest, if you use the counts given by the exercise machine or mfp, that you give some leeway for inaccuracy or invest in a decent hrm for more accuracy. Nothing is going to be exact, of course, but some methods of finding your calorie burns for activities are more accurate than others, imo.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited August 2017
    I love how the OP shut everyone up. Exercising more to eat more is a technique I follow myself. Just coz my mfp limit says 1800 cals does not mean I always eat that much. I end up eating more and I am still ok.

    Besides - to the poster who said not with cardio - any exercise you do uses and hurts muscles. Ellipticals do make leg muscles sore after 90 min.

    Leg muscles being sore doesn't mean muscle growth though. Not sure why people believe that every ache and pain means more muscle mass

    Yep, plus as you lose fat you reveal the muscles that were already there, which can make it seem like you are building muscle.

    Not sure why people take it as a knock on an exercise. Cardio is really good for you and can make you stronger. But building muscle requires specific conditions.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    And for all those haters on this thread.


    That right there was literally the first mean thing said in this thread...

  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    emyjuita6 wrote: »
    My calorie intake is 1200 perday.
    So if i burn 900calories on the elliptical I can eat excess of 700-900 calories during the day.
    Also I read somewhere exercise until muscle sore is good which means I am building muscle.

    wait, you think you are putting on muscle mass while eating in a deficit doing cardio????
  • tigerblood6
    tigerblood6 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for the reply guys!
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    edited October 2017
    emyjuita6 wrote: »
    My calorie intake is 1200 perday.
    So if i burn 900calories on the elliptical I can eat excess of 700-900 calories during the day.
    Also I read somewhere exercise until muscle sore is good which means I am building muscle.

    wait, you think you are putting on muscle mass while eating in a deficit doing cardio????

    Well, to a certain extent she is. Even walking can build/strengthen muscles for somebody who is severely out of shape. It won't be much, granted, but if your baseline is negative even getting back to zero counts as a gain.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    edited October 2017

    So the more I exercise, the more I can eat .

    LOL, I think we've all been there, I'll easily consume 1,000 cal for breakfast in the latter stages of a training plan & I'm pretty sure if I didn't run I'd weigh 400 lbs but the potential downside in this type of thinking is that you may be overestimating your caloric expenditure (most cardio machines significantly overstate the burn) and underestimating your intake (there is a tendency for people to underestimate portion sizes etc unless you are diligently weighing and measuring every morsel you consume) and burning 10 cal/minute on an elliptical requires a pretty grueling workout...

    Unless you're training for a specific event (or doing something that you really love doing like a long bike ride on a weekend) there is no compelling reason for extremely long workouts. In respect to improved cardiovascular health there are diminishing returns at the same time you are significantly increasing your risk of an overuse injury.